Eric & Nicholas - 2010


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December 31, 2010 - Good news for the day: our appliances were delivered (yay!) and Nick has another tooth.  Tooth #11, a bottom right molar.  Good thing, too, as since we've been home Nick has been mostly eating finger foods and hardly any baby food.  Of course, right after we got back I went and bought a bunch more baby food so we'll have to try and work through that.  Bad news for the day: my throat has been hurting since yesterday afternoon and it seems to be getting worse instead of better.  We'll see what tomorrow brings...

December 29, 2010 - Grammy and Grandpa left this morning to drive back home.  We also caught this cute picture of Nick playing in the toy in his own little world!

December 28, 2010 - Dave and I spent some time this morning at Sears and purchased some new appliances!  We got a new washer and dryer, plus a new freezer.  We wanted to do this by the end of the year to take advantage of rebates and tax credits.

December 27, 2010 - This morning I took Eric to a birthday party at Pump It Up Jr.  He seemed to have fun doing his own thing, but I think he most enjoyed eating the ENTIRE (large!) piece of chocolate cake.  This afternoon I ended up taking Eric into the pediatrician's office.  Earlier today he showed me a finger that was hurting, and it was swollen with pus and the skin was redder than usual.  As suspected, he had the beginnings of a staff infection so we started antibiotics tonight.


December 25, 2010 - Merry Christmas!!  We had a nice day at home, with Nana, Pops, Grammy and Grandpa.  It took quite a while to open gifts!  Video: Christmas Excitement


December 24, 2010 - We spent Christmas Eve at Nana and Pops, after first attending church (a nice, short children's service), and had a nice, relaxing evening before heading home to sleep so that Santa could come!  Video from this morning: Noisy Boy


December 23, 2010 - Grammy and Grandpa arrived this afternoon!

December 21, 2010 - Eric fell asleep on his floor today during rest time.  Apparently, there were too many legos on his bed!  Note that he's asleep underneath a plastic toy mat.  Funny kid... 

   Video: Nick Dancing to Jingle Bells

December 20, 2010 - Some cute pictures from today.  Grammy went home this afternoon, but will be back in a few days with Grandpa as they drive up for Christmas.  Today was mostly about trip recovery and trying to think about and plan for Christmas. 

     Video: Nick Playing and Drumming

December 19, 2010 - We're home!!  Boy, were we thankful to make it home this afternoon.  Right now Europe is going through a major snow storm and several airports there are shut down.  When we went to check in at Cairo we were initially told that our flight from Amsterdam to Portland was late, so they wouldn't even let us get on the plane to Amsterdam.  Thankfully, the guy disappeared for 10 minutes and came back with our tickets in hand and we were able to move on.  I don't know what changed, but we were very thankful.  It felt like it took forever, but we finally took off from Cairo and landed in Amsterdam where there were a few inches of snow on the ground.  Our flight to Portland took of late, but the important thing is that we were able to take off.  The flight was only about 1/3 full (due to cancellations at other airports), so we had lots of room to stretch out. 

Upon arriving, we made it through customs in record time and made it home about as fast as we could.  We got home before the boys had their nap/rest time and it felt so wonderful to give them big hugs.  The rest of the day is pretty much a blur as we were quite tired and jet lagged and pushed just to stay awake long enough to put the boys to bed.

December 12-18, 2010 - The Boys.  It sounds like Eric and Nick did really well while we were gone (9 days total, including travel).  Grammy took great care of them and they all stayed busy.  Nana and cousin Zachary came over one day to make gingerbread houses and trains.  Eric still went to preschool and his swimming lesson, plus we made sitter arrangements for Nick so that Grammy could go with Eric to his preschool Christmas party and to a friend's birthday party.  We were able to video chat with them three or four times, which was really nice. 

December 12-18, 2010 - Egypt!!  Wow...what an amazing trip.  There's no way that I can post all of our pictures or write about everything we did, but I'll try to sum it up: Sandstorm, Egyptian Museum, Old Coptic Cairo, lots of authentic Egyptian food, Pyramids (amazing!!!), dinner cruises (2) on the Nile, Memphis and Saqqara, mosque architecture, shopping (bartering) at the bazaars, lazing in the sun by the pool one afternoon (Jen), feluca (sailboat) ride on the Nile (Jen), catching a stomach bug (Dave), Pyramid visit #2 and an evening of tea, music and hooka (water pipe- just about everyone but us) on our last night.  Oh, yes, and Dave was in a conference for 2.5 days and his presentation went well.  Here are a few picture highlights:


December 11, 2010 - Amsterdam!!  We had a 10-hour layover in Amsterdam and were able to spend a solid five hours exploring the city.  We took a canal cruise and then went walking and exploring.  It was cold, but only in the 40's like here at home.  We didn't want to haul lots of cold weather gear to Cairo, so we just bundled up in layers.  Amsterdam is definitely a city I would like to go back to explore more, but after five hours we were exhausted (lack of sleep + heavy backpacks) and headed back to the airport to wait for our next flight.


December 10, 2010 - This afternoon Dave and I left for Egypt!  We spent all yesterday and this morning getting Grammy re-acquainted with not only the boys' routines and schedules, but where everything is located here in Beaverton.  Today, I had a really hard time leaving, especially with Nick.  But, we got out the door and made it to the airport.  Off we go!

December 8, 2010 - This afternoon I took Eric in for his four-year check-up.  He weighed in at 33 lb. (23rd percentile) and is 38.75" tall (17th percentile).  The nurse also checked his vision (as much as you can with a 4-year old) and it seems to be ok at 20/30.  We will be increasing his everyday asthma meds, in hopes that when he gets colds he either won't get asthma or, if he does, it won't require the steroid asthma medicine.  Eric also needed two booster shots today, so we had to recruit another of the pediatricians to hold Nick so that I could hold Eric down for the nurse to administer the shots.  It's so nice that a simple sticker at the end of an appointment can make life so much easier :)  Also, tonight Grammy arrived for her long stay :) 

December 7, 2010 - Cute movie from tonight: Nick Chasing Eric

December 6, 2010 - Nick has started passing toys back and forth with another person.  If I ask him to give me something he'll put it in my hand, then two seconds later take it back.  Up until now if I needed to get something from him I had to take it away, which always resulted in a screaming fit. 

Tonight we also finally told Eric about our Egypt trip.  We've been putting it off as he doesn't deal with anxiety (good or bad) or stress very well and we didn't want him to unnecessarily worry about it.  After we told him it looked like he was about to cry...until we told him that Grammy would be coming to stay and take care of he and Nick.  Eric then got SUPER excited and, although he said he would miss us, kept asking when Grammy would arrive.  Whew!!!  Glad that is over with.  It was something that both Dave and I were not looking forward to.  As for our trip, we leave in four days and I'm not getting much sleep these nights.  Between getting ready for the trip and trying to get as much Christmas stuff taken care of before leaving, there isn't much time left for sleeping.

December 5, 2010 - A couple of cute pictures of Mr. Nick from today.  This afternoon Dave bought us a new camera for our trip and spent some time testing it out.


December 4, 2010 - We got our Christmas tree today!  Typically we would wait another week, but since we leave for Egypt in 6 days (yikes!!!!) we got it today and will get it decorated this weekend.  Pops was kind enough to come and assist in the tree cutting and carrying.  Not something I could manage while carrying Nick and he doesn't care for the backpack.  Eric is pouting in one of the pictures because he was sad that we didn't choose a different tree. 


December 2, 2010 - Eric has become quite the character lately, especially at preschool.  Today he and one of his teachers were horsing around the classroom when Eric took some potato flakes (from the sensory table) and poured them down the back of her shirt!  Thankfully, she thought it was funny.  As it turns out, ironically, today was the day that the licensing gal was at the preschool.  When she came into Eric's class she had to ask where the second teacher was (in the bathroom trying to get rid of the potato flakes) and, upon learning what Eric did, thought it was the funniest thing.  As funny as this was, I guess we need to teach him some things!

December 1, 2010 - Nick has started playing peek-a-boo and it is super cute.  He puts his hands over his eyes (usually palm out) and when he moves them to look at us we say 'peek-a-boo!'  Of course, one of his favorite times to do this is during meal times, which usually results in adding more food to his face. 

November 30, 2010 - Eric got to celebrate his birthday at preschool this morning.  We saved (and froze) the cupcakes for his class and he came home with a special birthday crown.  Also, today Nick was saying 'da' and 'da-da'. 

November 27, 2010 - This morning we went to see Santa!  Both kids did really well.  Nick didn't cry until the very end.  Tonight Dave and I had a date night and went to see the newest Harry Potter movie.


November 26, 2010 - We spent the day at home today, cleaning up and getting Christmas decorations out.  We turned part of the castle into a rocket and Eric had fun playing with and 'repairing' it.  The boys also enjoyed playing with the little people nativity set.  By this afternoon Eric's asthma and coughing was much better.  Thank goodness for medicine! 

       Videos: Rocket Repair and It's All Part of the Plan...

November 25, 2010 - Happy Thanksgiving!  We spent the morning watching the parade and Nick had fun playing with today's newspaper ads.  We then headed up to Nana and Pops' for the day.  Unfortunately, Eric's cold started his asthma today so we had to begin his asthma meds.

November 24, 2010 - Eric has a cold/cough, but doesn't seem to be doing too bad so we went ahead with our scheduled family annual pictures.  It's still cold out, but the snow has melted.

November 23, 2010 - Happy Birthday, Eric!!!!  Eric is four years old today.  Today he was supposed to have preschool (and a small birthday celebration), plus I was going to help out in the classroom, but with the snow last night school was canceled today.  We really didn't get much snow here, but it did stick and it is cold, in the mid 20's.  We let Eric open up one of his birthday gifts this morning and then we finished celebrating this evening.  Nana and Pops came over for dinner and cupcakes and Eric enjoyed opening up his gifts.


November 22, 2010 - Some random pictures from today.  The first two are pictures of where Eric wrote his name on the castle.  Tonight it started snowing, Nick as a fever and Eric might be getting a cold.  Tomorrow will be an interesting day! 

        Video: Eric Box Coaster

November 20, 2010 - Today we had Eric's first 'friend' birthday party.  We're not sure where it came from, but he chose to have a 'castle' theme for his party.  All I can say is 'thank goodness for the internet'.  The kids decorated the castle and shields, plus played 'pin the flame on the dragon'. 


November 18, 2010 - Nick had his one-year check-up this afternoon.  He weighs 20 lb., 4 oz. (20th percentile) and is 29.5" long (40th percentile).  Overall the pediatrician had no concerns.  She wants us to try taking him off of his reflux meds, but with our upcoming trip and the holidays we decided to wait until after his 15 month check-up.  Poor kiddo...he also had four shots and had blood drawn from his foot today.  He did well, but was understandable cranky for a while.

November 17, 2010 - We think Nick said 'Ma', repeating after Dave.  Also, his molar #2 (tooth #10, his top left) has now popped through.

November 15, 2010 - Video: Fun with Nick's Birthday Presents

November 13, 2010 - We waited until today to actually celebrate Nick's birthday.  I think his favorite part of the day was the balloons, followed by the chocolate cake :) 

Videos: Eric Drawing Fun with Grammy, Nick's Birthday Balloons, Nick Opening his First Gift and Happy Birthday, Nicholas!


November 12, 2010 - Happy Birthday Nicholas!!!!  Nick is one year old today.  Grammy and Grandpa arrived this morning for a weekend visit for his birthday. 

          Video: Nick Looking for Daddy's Face

November 11, 2010 - This morning we were able to go over to friend Owen's house for a playdate, which Eric has been asking for.  He loves going there as Owen also had a lot of cars.  Nick also had a great time getting into all of the 'big boy' toys.

November 10, 2010 - So much fun to be had with a box from Amazon!


November 7, 2010 - Eric was a real stinker today, but a creative one.  Here he dressed Daddy up as a knight in shining armor :)

November 4, 2010 - Some pictures of the boys just playing around.  Also, Nick started pulling himself to a stand at vertical surfaces.  His skills are increasing!


November 3, 2010 - Today was such a warm and gorgeous day (especially for November!) so Dave played hooky from work and we headed to the zoo.  Since Halloween, Eric has been really interested in bats so that was one of the first animals we went to see.  We also made sure to see the lions as Dave had not seen them yet.  Eric also began posing for pictures today- very cute!


October 31, 2010 - Happy Halloween!! 

                     Video: Frog Crawl

October 30, 2010 - Day three of Halloween...carving pumpkins! 

     Video: Nick's First Balloon

October 29, 2010 - Day two of Halloween...a fun afternoon party at friend Owen's house.  Plus, Nick did lots of standing today.


October 28, 2010 - Today began our four days of Halloween.  This morning was Eric's preschool party and then this afternoon we went to a playgroup friend's house for dinner and Halloween fun.  Also, Nick began pulling himself up to a stand ALL THE TIME.  We can officially say he is now doing this.


October 27, 2010 - Now Nick has the cold, plus I discovered he has two molars coming in, one of which has already popped through, for a total of 9 teeth.  He was VERY fussy this afternoon, and understandably so!  Thankfully, Eric's coughing/asthma was finally getting better this afternoon. 

October 26, 2010 - Eric went to preschool today, but only because it was picture day.  I don't think he was contagious, but he wasn't feeling 100%.  By this afternoon Eric's asthma/coughing started so we started his asthma medicine.

October 25, 2010 - Eric is definitely still sick so he skipped swimming today and was tired enough to take a nap (note that he used his car rug as a blanket).  It wasn't intentional, but Nick and Daddy dressed alike today!


October 24, 2010 - Ughh....Eric is coming down with another cold :(

October 22, 2010 - We try to not let Nick watch TV, but when he does he certainly loves watching Mickey.

October 21, 2010 - Apparently Eric has become quite the social one at preschool.  Today during snack time he got up and sang a song (one he made up himself) to the entire class.  Video: Nick Discovers the Cereal Cupboard

October 19, 2010 - Nick pulled himself up to a stand today!

October 18, 2010 - Today at swimming they had their 'evaluations' and we learned that next session Eric can advance to the next level of class.  After swimming we headed to the grocery store and Eric finally decided he would be fine to play in the play area.  It's the first time he has done this since Nick was born.  A good morning for Eric!!  Video: Destroying the Alphabet

October 16, 2010 - Nana and Pops came over tonight for dinner out and then to watch the Beaver/Husky game.  Go Huskies!!!

October 15, 2010 - Nick is really pulling up and trying to stand.  He is sitting up on his own really well, but I can see that he is getting frustrated with trying to pull to a stand.  We've even noticed that his sleep is getting interrupted.  He is 'sleep sitting', then he crashes back down.  Kind of funny, actually... :)

October 14, 2010 - Fort making (which Nick then destroyed).

October 13, 2010 - Tooth #8 finally popped through.  This one took awhile!

October 12, 2010 - Nick is 11 months old today!

October 10, 2010 - Today we drove to the Tillamook Cheese Factory with Kim.  We had never been before, and since it was supposed to be rainy it was a good indoor activity.  Turns out that it was sunny at the coast, but we still had a great time!


October 9, 2010 - Nick being cute :)

October 8, 2010 - My friend Kim (I worked with her at Santa Clara County) arrived yesterday for a long-weekend visit.  Today was slated to be the only nice day, so Eric skipped Friday Playgroup and we headed out to Hood River and to the pumpkin patch.  We had a great day and got our pumpkins! 

                      Video: Nick's Upside Down Toy

October 6, 2010 - Wearing Daddy's glasses!

October 5, 2010 - Eric got himself SUPER messy at preschool this morning.  We'll see if all of the paint comes out of his clothes!!  Eric surprised me by falling asleep late during rest time, and as you can see from the picture he fell asleep in his closet!  Nick is also pulling himself to his knees and even trying to stand, especially to get a better look at the bathtub.


October 4, 2010 - I kept Eric home from swimming today, but he does seem to be feeling better.  Yay!

October 3, 2010 - Nick sat up on his own again today!  He still has the cold, though, but seems to be doing ok.  I came home around lunch and had a great time with the ladies.  I wasn't necessarily well rested, but it was SO nice to be able to have adult, uninterrupted conversations.

October 2, 2010 - The first item on this morning's agenda was getting the boys their flu shots.  Nick did great and barely cried, whereas Eric crawled under the chairs and we had to pry him out.  He cried and screamed MUCH more than Nick did.  After arriving home, I then headed out for a mom's night away with other playgroup moms.  Dave then took the boys to the zoo for the morning/lunch.  Unfortunately, by the afternoon Eric was sick with a cold.  Poor kiddo and Daddy :(


October 1, 2010 - Today Eric had his first day of Friday Playgroup (at preschool).  He was a bit nervous, as the teachers and some of the kids were different, but he had a great time.  Yay!

September 30, 2010 - Eric actually took a nap today...notice how one shoe is on?  Funny boy :)  Here's also some video from this evening.  We finally managed to capture Nick's interesting way of crawling and getting around. 

   Video: Nick 'Crawling' and Tossing the Ball

September 29, 2010 - Eric used the pedals today for the first time!!  When we got home from some errands this morning, Nick was asleep in the car so we decided to play in the front yard for a short time to let Nick sleep.  Eric surprised me by asking if he could use his tricycle.  We pulled it out of the garage and he started using the pedals!  I was very surprised.  This summer we tried getting him to pedal, but he refused to even try, so we stopped.  Later this afternoon we went back outside and Eric had more fun with his tricycle before we walked to Burgerville to pick up dinner. 

   Video:  Eric Pedals!!

September 27, 2010 - Today was another gorgeous day, so after Eric's swimming lesson we met up with some friends at a park.  Here they are enjoying the ducks!  Also, here's a video from tonight when the boys had a Daddy night.  Note how Nick is rocking and also how easily he gets distracted. 

     Video: Nick and the Beach Ball

September 26, 2010 - An example of Eric's wonderful he took us on a train sleeping car to Hawaii!  Here's also a video of Nick Kicking in the Bathtub.  He loves his baths!!

September 25, 2010 - Today was a pretty nice day so we spent a good amount of time outside and in the backyard.  We also put Nick in the backyard swing for the first time and he loved it! 

       Video: Kids Swinging Together in Backyard

September 23, 2010 - I had to take Mocha to the vet this afternoon as something was bothering his eye.  In retrospect, I think he would rather have dealt with it than the thing around his neck.  Poor cat, couldn't even jump onto the couch with it on.  Thankfully, his eye seems fine and we were able to take the thing off when we went to bed.

September 22, 2010 - Nick waved for the first time today and also did lots of clapping.  We've also noticed that he is going from sitting up onto his hands and knees more.  This afternoon we took the Mustang to one of the last PIR car shows.  Yes, we squeezed all four of us into the car.  Since Nick has to ride rear-facing, he had to sit in the front seat in order for his car seat to fit.  Since the Mustang doesn't have air bags this is actually OK.  Eric and I sat in the back seat together.


September 21, 2010 - Eric took snack to preschool this morning, which meant he also got to bring show and tell (a car, of course), help with snack prep and be the line leader for the day.  I think he enjoyed it!  We were also surprised when he told us that he met a friend on the playground, who also likes cars, and wants to have him over to play sometime.  It's the first time he's shown an interest in a preschool friend, so we were very excited to hear this. figure out who the boy is!

September 19, 2010 - Eric and Dave spent some time organizing and arranging his cars this afternoon.  He is definitely a car kid!!


September 18, 2010 - Tonight Dave and I got a night off!  We had an Intel launch party to attend and Hanna came over again to take care of the boys (three nights ago was purposely a trial run). 

September 16, 2010 - More crying at preschool drop-off :(  Tonight for the first time I gave the boys a bath together.  It saved some time, but I certainly got wetter than normal!

    Video: First Bath Together

September 15, 2010 - We enjoyed some time at the zoo this morning.  It has been forever since we have been.  We couldn't see everything, but hit the highlights (monkey, elephant, giraffe, tractor).  Tonight we had Hanna (neighbor babysitter) come over for the evening.  She watched both boys for the first time and did both dinner and bedtime for them.  It sounds like everything went fine!

    Video: Eric and the Monkey

September 14, 2010 - Nick has two more teeth!  Teeth #7 and #8, both on the bottom, second on his left and second on his right.  At preschool this morning Eric cried at drop-off.  We'll see how long it lasts.

September 13, 2010 - Eric had his first swim lesson of the fall session this morning.  New teacher, new kids, but he did great!  At the end they went over to the slide and he was the first one up and in line to go down it!  It's so nice to see him 'take charge' and go for something he wants.

September 12, 2010 - Day 2 of the Rod Run.  We started off the morning by seeing Nick sit up on his own!  I'm pretty sure he used something to help prop himself up (no one saw him actually do it), but he definitely got himself into the sitting position all on his own.  After packing up and checking out we headed to the car show.  It started raining just as the boys and I got to the show, but thankfully Dave and Pops had set up the shade/rain structure so we had some cover to stay dry under.  Mid-afternoon we left for home and endured a 3.5 hour drive home.  And Eric didn't nap.  And talked non-stop the entire drive.  Needless to say, I was glad to get home!  And, thankfully again, the mustang made it home with out any issues!!  Woo-hoo!!


September 11, 2010 - Rod Run to the End of the World!!  About 800 cars, lots to look at and a gorgeous day!  There was also an ambulance and a fire truck there that Eric enjoyed exploring.


Videos from this evening: Nick Playing with Daddy's Head and Nick's Version of Crawling

September 10, 2010 - We spent part of the morning at the beach, then headed into Long Beach this afternoon.  Dave and Pops arrived just in time for dinner and, thankfully, the mustang made it!!


Videos from today: Tire Tracks, Crab Walk and Nick Discovers Sand (beware- large file)

September 9, 2010 - Eric's first official day of 3's preschool!  He had a hard time at drop off- he cried and clung to me but was then quickly whisked away to make me a present.  I now have a lovely new bracelet.  It sounds like he cried for only a minute or two.  When we pick him up all I heard was 'I had a great time at preschool'.  Hopefully he will remember this for next week!  This afternoon I packed up the car and the boys and I headed north to pick up Nana, and then we drove to Long Beach for a long weekend and car show.  Dave and Pops will join us tomorrow.  The boys did pretty well on the long drive.  Eric wouldn't stop talking, but finally fell asleep after an hour of driving.  The first words out of his mouth upon waking up were 'are we there yet?'.  Too funny...

September 8, 2010 - I woke up sneezing this morning.  The first time I've been sick in over a year, and the worst possible day for it.  I was supposed to host bunco tonight, but ended up canceling it.  Plus, tomorrow we're leaving to go out of town and I have a BUNCH of packing yet to do.  Arg....

September 7, 2010 - This morning we had open house morning at preschool.  Eric and I went in (Dave stayed home with Nick) for about an hour to meet his teachers and spend some time exploring the classroom.  He found the car basket immediately and had fun checking everything out.  His classroom is MUCH bigger than last years, but there are also more kids (16 this year, 10 last). 

   Not really pulling up to the table like he should be... :)

September 6, 2010 - Nick seems to be mastering his version of crawling!  He's going all over the place.  We've started keeping doors closed, cat food up, etc.  It's not the true hand and knee crawling, but more he slides himself along using both arms at the same time and pushes off of his toes.  We'll get a video one of these days!

September 5, 2010 - This afternoon we took Eric, and met up with Nana, Pops and Zach, to his first baseball game.  Today was the second to last game for the Portland Beavers before they leave the city.  Eric did fine for the first half, then was restless for the second half, but we made it through the game.  We had a sitter come over to stay with Nick for the afternoon.


September 4, 2010 - Dressed the boys in their Husky wear for the first day of college football.  We've trained Eric to say 'Go Huskies' whenever he wears his purple t-shirt :)


September 3, 2010 - We bought a new kitchen cabinet/island and Dave assembled it today.  Here's a video of Eric having fun with it: Eric Playing in New Island

September 2, 2010 - After the rainy, wet summer we've had, today was a fairly nice day so we skipped the errands and went to the park!  Also, Nick started doing the army crawl today! 


September 1, 2010 - Eric had his last swimming lesson for the summer this morning and Nana was able to come and watch.  We've decided to sign him up for lessons in the fall.  Now that he is finally comfortable in the water we want him to continue with it!  This week was Boat Safety Week, which is why you see boats and life jackets on the kiddos.


August 30, 2010 - This morning we had what may be our last regular Monday playgroup.  With preschools and other activities starting next week, the kids are all on different schedules now.  We have been meeting almost every Monday for three and a half years now, so it is sad that this 'era' is ending.  We hope to meet up with everyone again soon!  Oh...and today I also noticed that Nick has tooth #5!  Top, second in on his right.  This is his fifth tooth in 26 days.  Wow...poor kiddo!  Although, he does seem to have handled it pretty well (and with some help from some Tylenol).  Here's also a video from this evening: High Chair Peek a Boo with Mommy

August 29, 2010 - More fun with the toys we've brought out.  Instead of pulling himself up to the table toy, he's figured out how to bring it to him!  And, no, he's not really standing up on his own yet.  He just happens to be balancing himself for a tiny bit and our hands are very close by.  Video: High Chair Peek a Boo with Daddy


August 28, 2010 - We pulled out a 'new' toy for Nick to play with (which, ironically, Eric seems to be playing with more).  We also think he may be starting to crawl a bit!  He slid on his tummy after the beach ball a few times.


August 26, 2010 - This morning we met up at a park with several other preschool families.  I put Nick on the swing for the first time and he loved it!  It was a lot of fun to be able to push both boys on the swings.  Later today, we set Eric up so that he could wash his cars.  He was pretending to do this during rest time (using his water cup and the floor=unhappy mommy), so I set him up with a real car wash system.  Still a mess, but much easier to clean up :)


August 25, 2010 - Today we flew home.  Once again, the boys did good on the airplane.  Amazingly, I had a backpack full of activities for Eric, but we didn't touch them once.  Our return flight was also during lunch time, so once again Eric spent the flight eating his lunch.  Upon returning home and letting Eric finish a nap in the car, he and Dave got in the mustang and headed up to PIR for a car night.  Pops and cousin Zachary were also there.


August 24, 2010 - We stayed around the house again today, trying to stay cool.  It was hot, upper 90's, which is especially warm for the peninsula.  In the last picture, Grammy is teaching Eric how to play Go Fish.


August 23, 2010 - This morning we headed up to San Francisco and got on a ferry to Sausalito.  It was a gorgeous day to be on the bay- sunny and warm in the 80's.  Video: Car Seat Raspberries


August 22, 2010 - Today we had relaxing day around the house and this afternoon took a walk to a nearby park.  This evening Dave and I were able to have a nice dinner out for our anniversary.  It's always nice to go out for dinner without the kids!  Video: Eric Playing the Piano with Grammy


August 21, 2010 - This morning Nick discovered Grandpa's shoelaces and had a great time eating them :)  This afternoon we headed to Gilroy Gardens, an amusement park geared toward Eric's age.  Nick enjoyed the company and seeing the sights, while Eric had a great time on the rides.  The pictures of Nick in the stroller are regular-Nick and Nick after noticing the camera.  Total ham!!  Video: Gilroy Garden Rides

Today was also our 11th wedding anniversary!


August 20, 2010 - Today we got on an airplane (yes, all four of us!) and flew down to the Bay Area to spend some time with Grammy and Grandpa.  The boys did great on the flight.  Eric ate lunch most of the time and really enjoyed watching out the window (especially while we were still at the airport).  Nick played, drank a bottle and fell asleep 15 minutes before we landed.  After dinner, Dave got a second birthday cake too!


August 19, 2010 - Happy Birthday, Dave!  Eric really enjoyed the birthday ice cream pie :)  We also discovered that Nick has tooth #4!  Top middle, his left.


August 18, 2010 - A couple of pictures from swim class this morning, plus our solar panels were installed today!!  Yippee!!  We can't turn them on yet, but hopefully soon!


August 17, 2010 - Eric is 'packed and ready to fly to Indiana'.  Funny boy!!  And here's also a video from today:  And the Wrestling Begins...

August 15, 2010 - Eric checking out the cooler and Nick checking out his new car seat.  Here's also a video showing how much of a camera ham Nick has become.  Nick Camera Ham


August 14, 2010 - Today I took Eric to Big Truck Day.  He really enjoyed seeing all of the vehicles, but didn't like the loud horns (the kids were allowed to honk them).  It was also super hot today, I think close to 100 when we came home.

                        <--- Picture of Nick's bottom teeth

August 13, 2010 - Sorry about the dark pictures...Eric had his sports class this morning and he actually participated!!  It took the help of a friend plus lots of interaction by one of the teachers, but he had a lot of fun running around playing 'tennis' and 'chase'.  He must have been tired, for he fell asleep on his floor this afternoon! 

Videos from today: Eric Playing 'Tennis', Eric Chasing and Raspberries (one of Nick's new favorites)


August 12, 2010 - Nick is 9 months old!  I took him in for a check-up (but no shots!) this morning.  He currently weighs 18 lb., 7 oz. (20th percentile) and is 28.5 inches long (55th percentile).  I had to complete a questionnaire about fine and gross motor skills and Nick seems to be doing ok with the fine motor skills and speech, but he is a bit behind on gross motor.  I'm not too concerned, though, as Eric has always taken his time with the gross motor skills.  We also talked about his reflux and are happy that the medicine seems to be working.  Hopefully once he is walking we can try taking him off the medicine.  We also discovered this afternoon that tooth #3 has popped through!  Top middle, his right.  Three teeth in eight days, poor kiddo!

August 11, 2010 - Went to Beaches at PIR again tonight...cousin Grace was there this evening too.


August 10, 2010 - We just discovered that Nick has tooth #2!  Bottom middle, his left.

August 8-10, 2010 - We went on our first family camping trip.  We stayed two nights at a campground that is only about 45 minutes from home, plus we slept in a cabin that had electricity, lights and heat.  We were pretty nervous about taking the boys camping for the first time, but amazingly everything went great.  The weather was cooler than we would have liked, especially for August, but we just bundled the boys up.  Eric really enjoyed having hot chocolate every morning and got to roast his first marshmallow.  Little munchkin, though, decided he like them plan rather than roasted.  Oh well.  Hopefully we will try camping again next summer!


August 7, 2010 - This morning Eric enjoyed putting on his tool belt and all of his tools.  This afternoon we headed up to Nana and Pops' to celebrate Pops' birthday.  In the pictures where Pops is opening gifts, Pops barely had time to open the gift before Zach and Eric commandeered the tool box and had a great time playing with it.



August 4, 2010 - Nick has his first tooth!  Bottom middle, his right.

August 3, 2010 - I had another outdoor band concert tonight and Nick really enjoyed playing with Pops' paper program.

August 2, 2010 - Lots happening today!  This morning we had playgroup at our house and had fun just playing in the backyard.  Nick also put his toes in his mouth for the first time!  Very cute :)  And, lastly, this afternoon at the end of Eric's 'rest' time he was wimpering because he had stuck his finger in something and couldn't get it out.  Cold water, vasoline and oil didn't help, so finally I had to get out the tin snips and wire cutters (thankfully, it was a thinner plastic).  Many tears, screams and kicks later I finally could pry it off his finger.  I hope he's learned not to stick his fingers in small holes!


August 1, 2010 - This afternoon we went to the wedding of a family friend.  The boys did pretty well and we had a good time.  I think Eric had the most fun with the kid's pirate stuff and Dancing with Mommy.


July 30, 2010 - This morning Nick discovered the handles on the secretary desk- too cute!  After Eric's sports class we picked up Dave from work and headed over to the county fair!  Eric had a great time, especially on the rides.  On several of the rides he was the only one on it, he rode his first roller coaster, and he even drove his first go-kart.  He had a hard time doing the pedal and steering at the same time, but I'm sure he will eventually figure it out!

Videos: Eric Petting a Horse, Eric Go-Kart, Eric Fair Rides (beware, large file)



July 29, 2010 - Cute picture from the playground today...

July 28, 2010 - First, it looks like Nick should be getting his first teeth soon.  None have popped through yet, but there are two bumps on the bottom.  Second, we spent this evening looking at cars at PIR.  Eric got to sit inside of a larger truck and he had a great time 'driving' it.  Here's also a cute video of Nick Dancing with Daddy.


July 27, 2010 - Our friend Andy is in town this week for an Intel conference and he came over for dinner this evening.  The boys certainly enjoyed having him over!


July 25, 2010 - We headed home from Seattle today and found Eric enjoying the swimming pool when we arrived at Nana and Pops (Video: Enjoying Nana's Pool).  Nick is feeling much better today!

July 24, 2010 - Today we headed over to campus and our old stomping grounds and enjoyed walking around.  We also had the requisite Nasai for lunch (yum....).  We then headed down to Pike Place for the afternoon and had a nice dinner at the waterfront.  It was a gorgeous day to be in Seattle!


July 23, 2010 - This morning we packed up the boys and took them to stay with Nana and Pops for the weekend and then Dave and I headed up to Seattle for a wedding and a weekend away!  Yesterday Nick started coughing a lot and we weren't sure if we would be able to go, but as of this morning he had no fever and was just coughing.  By tonight it was apparent that we left had Nana to deal with Nick's first cold.  The wedding was this evening and it was nice to see some of Dave's EE college buddies and have a night out without kids!

July 21, 2010 - A picture of Eric at swim lessons this morning.  He had another great day!

July 20, 2010 - Nick is feeling much, much better today and has no fever.  The water line replacement went fine (Dave was home during it) and the water was off for only a couple of hours.  We probably could have stayed home, but you never know what will happen.  The boys and I came home this afternoon.  This evening I watered plants and there was a noticeable difference in the water pressure!  It seemed to take a lot less time to do the watering :)

July 19, 2010 - Nick still had somewhat of an upset tummy this morning, but seemed to be able to keep some formula down, which is good.  He had a fever all day and no appetite until tonight.  This afternoon I packed up the boys and I and we headed up to Vancouver to stay with Nana and Pops for the night.  Tomorrow we are having our main water line (from the street to the house) replaced.  We don't know how long they will need to have the water turned off, so to be safe the kids and I are moving out for a night!  Cousin Zachary was there for a bit when we arrived, so he and Eric had fun playing outside together.

    Video: Eric and Zach Playing Outside

July 18, 2010 - From one kid to the next....just when Nick's reflux was under control it seems he has caught a stomach bug.  Poor kiddo...has a 101 degree fever and spent 45 minutes vomiting tonight.  It's no fun watching an 8-month old dry heave and obviously feeling tired and terrible :(

This morning we transplanted the hydrangea bush that was by the front door, in preparation for our water line being replaced.  Eric had fun standing in the hole for where the plant is going.  Nick was feeling fine this morning, though, and showing off his newest skill: Head Bobbin' Nick.

July 17, 2010 - Eric seems to be feeling better today, which is good.  Nick was being super cute when we went out for dinner tonight.  I had pasta to eat and every time I twirled the pasta on my fork he got super excited and laughed- really wishing I had the video camera with us...

July 16, 2010 - Eric is still sick :(  I also gave Nick cheerios today again and this time he was able to get some in his mouth!  Unfortunately, he choked on it and threw it up, so we'll wait a bit longer before giving them to him again.

July 15, 2010 - Eric is sick.  Probably why he napped yesterday!  Seems to be just a cold and mild fever, but as you can see from this video, he's been feeling pretty good!  Eric Swinging Nick

July 14, 2010 - Eric did really well at swimming this morning!  He actually crashed and took a nap today- if you look carefully at this picture you will see him in his tent, which has fallen down on him.  But, he's asleep!

July 13, 2010 - I took Nick to the pediatrician for another reflux check-up and he weighed in at exactly 18 lb.  The Zantac (the original medicine) seems to be working so we will continue with that unless there are any more issues!

July 12, 2010 - Eric said two cute things today...first, pretending to be me on the phone, he said 'Jennifer Browning, M-O-M-M-Y'.  Second, when we asked him what daddy's full name is his response was 'Daddy Warren Browning'.

July 10, 2010 - Eric fell asleep in his tent this afternoon!

July 9 2010 - This morning Dave took Eric to his sports class, but he was still unwilling to participate.  Oh well.  We'll keep going (I've already paid for it) but I doubt he participates at all.  We then met up with our playgroup friends at a park and I love how all four of them are on the teeter totter together.  After rest time this afternoon Dave and Eric had some more pool time.  It was another warm day in the upper 90's.  Today was the first day in six days that Eric did not nap.  I've noticed that he such a nicer and more cooperative kid when he has a nap.  I think he's in that in-between time where he's not quite ready to give them up, but refuses to take one most days.


July 8, 2010 - Today was another hot day- 100!  I also got to have a bit of story time with my boys :)

    Video: Nick Jabbering

July 7, 2010 - Ahh...summer has finally arrived!  Today we had temps in the upper 90's and spent a lot of the morning and early afternoon outside before it got too hot.  We also got out the new swimming pool and Eric had A LOT of fun with it.  We also put Nick in for his first swimming experience and he did not like the cold!  He did calm down with Eric in the water and when Eric distracted him.

                Videos: Nick Fist Time in the Pool and Eric Pool Fun

July 6, 2010 - Dave worked today, but is going to take the rest of the week off.  Yay!  We've also noticed that Nick is starting to move around more.  He's done a tiny bit of backward crawling movement and is starting to move his knees more.  He also now has this side position where he pauses halfway when rolling from his tummy to his back. 

July 5, 2010 - Uncle Doug and Aunt Eiko left at lunchtime today.  Eric showed us his unhappiness with their leaving by being obstinate and not wanting his picture taken.


July 4, 2010 - Happy 4th of July!  Dave took Eric in our neighborhood parade this morning while Nick and I watched.  This afternoon Uncle Doug and Aunt Eiko arrived for a quick visit.  Cousin Chris stayed back home as their trip was for a wedding that was in the area.  Eric was SO excited to see them and we had a nice, short, visit.  The other day Dave and Eric went and bought fireworks, ones that supposedly made light but no noise.  Wrong.  Eric tried to watch the fireworks (note the ear covers) but was just too scared.  We ended up putting him to bed and then finishing them. 

Nick also started making new noises today.  A few days ago he started opening and closing his mouth (kind of like a chewing motion) but with no noise.  Today he added the 'ra ra ra' noise to it and he and Aunt Eiko had a lot of fun talking 'ra ra ra' with each other :)


July 3, 2010 - I talked with the doctor's office today, but our pediatrician was not on call and the on-call doctor didn't want to give us a different med and suggested we just continue with the previous medicine (and Nick handles just fine).  I got the icky medicine flavored this afternoon, but Dave tested it and it still tasted pretty awful.  I think we'll hold off until either Nick starts throwing up regularly again or until after our next appt. on the 13th.

July 2, 2010 - This morning I took Nick back in to the pediatrician for his reflux.  He hasn't thrown up much the last couple of days, but he is still coughing and we still distract him when he does so to hopefully prevent him from getting sick.  He weighed in at 17 lb, 8 oz, only 4 oz. more than a month ago.  Although his overall weight is fine, his growth rate completely slowed down with all the vomiting.  The ped wants us to try a new medicine, which we tried tonight and it was awful!  Nick gagged and threw up every time we gave it to him (multiple attempts, unfortunately).  We finally tasted it and it tasted like soapy, salty, fishy water and made me gag!  I feel so awful about giving him the stuff :(  I'll be calling the doctor's office and pharmacist tomorrow morning.

  Eric fell asleep on the floor (and partly under his bed) this afternoon!

July 1, 2010 - Some pictures from today...Dave picked up some headphone/muffler things for Eric to wear during the fireworks this weekend and during car shows.  He loves them!  We've also noticed that Nick is getting more hair!  He has some longer sections on top and it is growing in more in the back now that he is a tummy sleeper.  Eric was bald until 18 months, so it looks like Nick will get his hair much sooner!

     Video: Nick Excited to See Mocha (I think he's going to be a chaser!)

June 30, 2010 - Eric did a lot better at swimming this morning and had a good time.  Nick got sick once, so I went ahead and scheduled an appointment for Friday.  He's also still doing the coughing thing and often we are able to distract him from potentially getting sick.  Tonight we headed up to PIR to look at more cars.

June 29, 2010 - Nick didn't get sick today either!  Also, tonight I had a band concert and here's a couple videos of the boys during the concert.  Nick During Concert & Eric and Nana 'Dancing'

June 28, 2010 - We gave Nick some cheerios this evening.  He didn't really pick them up, but at least he can start getting familiar with them.  On a plus note, Nick didn't throw up today!


June 27, 2010 - I got a day off today!  Dave stayed home with the boys and Nana and I headed down south for a little bit of shopping and to a bridal shower for a family friend.  Here are a few pictures from this evening.


June 25, 2010 - Eric had his first sports class today.  It is a mixed sports class where they focus on a different sport each week.  Eric absolutely refused to leave me and clung and cried when I tried to get him to participate.  He ended up watching from the side, about three feet from Nick and I.

June 24, 2010 - We met up with Dave for lunch today.  We also noticed that Nick is starting to lift up his butt a little when he is on his tummy.  Crawling soon??

June 23, 2010 - Busy day!  This morning I upped Nick's reflux meds (per Ped's recommendation) as he is still throwing up a couple of times a day.  We'll see if it helps!  This morning Eric also had his first swimming lesson.  He spent the first part clinging to me and not wanting to get into the pool, but once the teacher was able to engage him with some toys he seemed to have some fun.  This afternoon we had another visit from a plumber (we've been trying to figure out what it will take to increase our water pressure) and we happily finally figured out that we have copper inside, galvanized outside and a pretty easy way to have a new water line installed.  Finally, tonight was the first car show at PIR and we had a great time!


June 20, 2010 - Another photo op!


June 19, 2010 - What a disaster of a Father's Day today!  The plan was to go to a car show up in Woodland, one we've been year in past years.  Then we woke up to rain and delayed our start.  Then Dave and Eric left, in the Mustang, and Nick and I followed shortly thereafter.  Soon after we all got to Nana and Pops' the boys headed to the car show (even though it was still cloudy and sprinkling) while Nana and I stayed behind so I could feed Nick.  Then I got the call from Dave that the Mustang had died and he couldn't get it above 25 mph.  He called AAA and we packed up to go rescue Eric (who was quite scared).  We finally located them and I offered to stay with the Mustang and get it home so that Dave could go to the car show.  The did, and got completely soaked by the pouring rain and soon thereafter ended up back at Nana and Pops'.  Meanwhile, I waited and waited for the tow truck (and saw a coyote heading my way who, thankfully, turned around).  Eventually he showed up and got the Mustang loaded and we headed south.  It took a while to get home and I got to steer the car into the garage while the guy pushed!  I then got in the Prius and headed back to Vancouver, finding traffic to be quite slow.  I finally made it up there and then we went out for dinner.  Dinner was fine until, at the end, Nick decided to throw up all the food I had fed him.  We finally got home and thankfully the day was done!!

June 15, 2010 - Grammy went home this morning.  Nick threw up a total of four times today, so this evening we abandoned the rice cereal and began the reflux meds. Eric also finally took a nap today.  He's been having so much fun with Grammy that he hasn't napped for several days. 

June 14, 2010 - Nick and Grammy, plus a few other pictures from her visit.  On a side note, Eric has started calling her both Grammy and Grandma (all on his own).


June 12, 2010 - Ah...the sun appeared today!  Grammy, the boys and I went to the farmer's market.  When we got home our neighbor was working on his boat so Eric got to get in and drive it.  He especially liked honking the horn!


June 11, 2010 - Dave fell asleep on the floor and Eric decided to use him as the 'juice bar' to serve Grammy juice from.  Very cute.  Also, we were able to bring the Prius home this afternoon.  Turns out that some inverter part needed to be replaced.  Ironically, our extended warranty expired on Tuesday- the issues took place yesterday, Thursday.  Figures.  But, Toyota took mercy on us and went ahead and covered the work.  I figure that they don't want the bad press!

June 10, 2010 - First, I had to take this picture of Mocha.  Too funny.  Second, rice cereal does not work so well in the bottle, but we'll give it a try.  Third, Grammy arrived for a visit this evening!  Eric was very, very excited (and thus misbehaved most of the day), but we were all very thankful when she and Dave arrived safely from the airport.  After spending two+ hours in traffic getting there, the Prius had all sorts of issues getting home.  We'll be taking it in tomorrow morning!

June 9, 2010 - Nick's coughing and throwing up has gotten worse (once or twice a day- I'm very tired of changing our clothes), so I took him to the pediatrician this morning.  She thinks it is reflux, and although it is unusual for it to begin at this age, it is not unheard of.  She suggested that we try adding rice cereal to his formula for a week, and then if that doesn't help she gave me a prescription for some reflux meds.  On the way home we stopped at the grocery store where we first took a snack break and, ironically, Nick threw up all over.  Nice.

June 7, 2010 - We put Nick in the swing during dinner and Nick immediately sat forward and got to know the animals on the tray.  Video: Nick Eating Swing Animals


June 5, 2010 - We had a busy day today!  This morning Dave and Eric went to the Ford show in Hillsboro and then we met them at a birthday party this afternoon.  Before they left, Eric asked to hold Nick so of course I got out the camera!  Here's a video of Eric and Nick together:  Eric Telling Nick About the Day and here's another from the Ford show (this is a must-see):  Classic Three Year Old.


June 4, 2010 - What an adventuresome morning we had!  Today was very rainy so for playgroup we decided to meet at an indoor play place.  On the way there, we saw a police officer sitting by the road every 500 feet or so and I definitely wondered what was going on!  I stopped to ask a news camera guy and learned that there was about to be a funeral procession for the city's police chief.  We then went to the play place and were there for a while when suddenly we were told to quickly get out because there was a fire!  I quickly gathered up the boys (and thankfully we had a friend there who could help) and we left the building.  Turns out that there was a car on fire, just on the other side of the wall from where we were.  Thankfully we all got out just fine and our car was parked far enough away that we were able to head home.  Perhaps today should have been an at-home day!!

June 3, 2010 - As you can see from the first picture, Nick no longer stays on the blanket, instead choosing to roll with it!  This morning I took the boys down to the waterfront to look at some of the ships that are visiting for the Rose Festival.  Unfortunately, none of the bigger Navy ships were in yet but we got to see some of the Coast Guard ships.


June 1, 2010 - This morning I took the boys in to the pediatrician for check-ups.  Nick had his 6-month check-up and is doing great!  He weighs 17lb, 4oz and is 26.25" long (both 40th percentile).  The doctor didn't have any concerns and he did pretty good with his shots.  I did mention to her that Nick has started coughing randomly and sometimes it leads to vomiting, but it hasn't happened very many times so she didn't seem too concerned.  Eric had a check-up for his asthma and we decided to stop his daily inhaler for the summer.  He will resume either if he gets sick and needs it or right before preschool resumes, whichever comes first.

May 31, 2010 - Dave left for Vegas this afternoon.  He'll be there for a conference for the week.  Eric was a real stinker this morning, we think because he knew Daddy would be leaving soon.

May 30, 2010 - I got the garden finished this afternoon, but then the rain came in!  Rain, rain, go away!  This morning I set Nick down on his blanket and a few minutes later Dave asked me where he was.  We could both hear him but no see him, and he had rolled to the other side of the rug!

   Video: Tossing the Ball (Nick loved it!)

May 29, 2010 - This morning Eric and I bought plants and then spent the afternoon working on the garden.  I hope the weather improves soon so the plants grow!  I also snapped this picture of all three boys watching a car video on Dave's phone.  I guess it's in the blood...

May 28, 2010 - We had Eric's preschool picnic today (held inside due to weather) and we got pictures of him with his two teachers.  Nick also had a group of admirers.  All three girls are in Eric's class.


May 27, 2010 - Today was Eric's last day of preschool.  It was so sweet to see him give his teachers great big hugs (all on his own).  He'll see one of his teachers during gym/playground time next year, but his other teacher is moving back to the East coast.

May 25, 2010 - Nick is really rolling now!  He is rolling all over the living room now.

May 24, 2010 - We had playgroup at our house this morning and Nick and Karina had fun staring at each other.

May 23, 2010 - The birds came back today!  Dave managed to get a few pictures.


May 22, 2010 - Some random things from today...a look at our lovely spring weather (hail in May!) and Nick eyeing my Rice Krispie treat.

     Video: Wacky Spring Weather

May 20, 2010 - This morning at preschool Eric's class spent part of the morning in next year's classroom with next year's teacher, Mrs. Broome.  He seemed to have a good time.  The classroom is MUCH larger than his current, even though there are only six more kids (10 now, 16 next year).  Then, this afternoon Eric fell down and got his first bloody nose.  Thankfully, it stopped pretty quickly

This evening during dinner Nick was on the floor when I looked over and he was on his tummy!  He can finally roll onto his tummy!

      Video: Nick Hiding, Not Rolling!

May 19, 2010 - Dave came home from Israel today! 

May 18, 2010 - A couple of videos from today: Eric's Big Bubbles and Driving to Grammy and Grandpa's

May 16, 2010 - Since Dave is gone we went up to Nana and Pops' for the day.  Eric had a great time helping Nana outside with the dirt and plants and getting some good car time with Pops.


May 15, 2010 - Today Nick discovered his toes, but every time I got close with the camera he stopped playing with them.  We've had some nice weather the last few days and I've enjoyed being able to dress him in only a onesie :)  Just look at those thighs!


May 14, 2010 - Dave left early this morning for his trip to Israel.  He made it to JFK without any problems, but once there he had a 4-hour layover, then the plane left 45 minutes late and ended up sitting on the tarmac for almost 4 hours, waiting to take off!  Weather seemed to be the primary issue.  They were able to take off just before the time hit where they would have needed to go back to the gate (that law that recently took effect).  Thankfully, he made it to Israel safely.

May 13, 2010 - I kept Eric home from preschool today since he had the low-grade fever yesterday, but today he is doing just fine.  It was also finally a nice day today- high 70's!!

May 12, 2010 - Eric seems to be feeling much better today, but has still had a low-grade fever on and off.  Also, Nick is 6 months old today!

May 11, 2010 - Eric still had a fever today.  I took him to the pediatrician for a strep test and it came back negative, so looks like he just has some fever virus!  This afternoon I was feeding Nick in the living room and I suddenly noticed all of these yellow and red birds flying around.  It is called a 'Western Tanager'.  They stayed for only about 30 minutes before flying away.  What an interesting sight!

Video: Nick Bathtub Giggling


May 10, 2010 - Eric seemed ok this morning, but had a slight fever again by this afternoon.  No preschool tomorrow :(  The nurse said that there is a virus going around that starts with a sore throat, so we'll wait to see how his throat is doing before I take him in for a strep test.  On the plus side, he seems to have a bunch of energy and is not acting differently.  Also, it seems that Nick has officially given up the binky and is now a thumb-sucker.  Tonight at bedtime Dave gave him the binky and he threw it to the bottom of the bed.  Oh well....not much I can do at this point!

May 9, 2010 - Happy Mother's Day!  We headed up to Vancouver this morning.  While Nana, Nick and I went to the farmer's market, Pops, Dave and Eric assembled a wonderful brunch!  Unfortunately, by mid-afternoon Eric wasn't feeling well and obviously had a fever.  We can tell he really wasn't feeling well because he crashed for a nap, without any of his usual sleeping lovies, in a noisy house and without a fan.  He was also complaining of a sore throat, so hopefully he doesn't have strep.  Once the Tylenol kicked in he felt much better and even ate a good dinner.


May 7, 2010 - This morning we met some friends at a park- it was actually nice today!  Unfortunately, he fell off the swing when I turned my back for a second and landed on his stomach.  Thankfully he was ok and had only minor scratches.  Whew!

May 6, 2010 - I received my first mother's day gift today from Eric when we picked him up from preschool.  He made me a trivet from clothes pins- very cute.  The also learned 'The Mommy Song', which just melted my heart when I heard it.  I hope to get it on video soon!  

May 4, 2010 - Eric has had a little cold since Saturday (a minor one), but he is mostly better now.  Unfortunately, it looks like Nick has caught his first cold.  He's been sneezy and drippy today, but seems to be doing ok overall.  This evening during dinner our neighbor across the street pulled out a huge tractor thing from his backyard and Eric was so excited.  It was still out after dinner so we went over to look at it and Eric was able to sit on and pretend to drive it.  He was scared at first, but ended up having a great time.  Video: Eric Driving the Neighbor's Tractor


May 1, 2010 - So, today we took a little road trip to Silverton (about an hour away) because I had a band performance there this afternoon.  As we were driving down it was mostly cloudy and Eric looked out the window and said 'look at that blue cloud!'.  This is quite funny because ever since college in Seattle Dave has been calling the speck of blue sky that you see on a cloudy day 'blue clouds', but Eric came up with this all on his own!  The other funny thing happened during lunch.  The boys dropped me off at my band performance and then went to a park to play and finish eating lunch.  During lunch Eric got up and was chasing a crow around the play area.  The next thing Dave knows, the crow came over to the picnic table and picked up Eric's last chicken strip and flew up to a tree to eat it.  I guess he wanted revenge for the chasing!!

April 29, 2010 - Eric took a good nap today, second day in a row!  A blessing with Dave gone.  But, Dave came home tonight and I happily survived.  Funnily, at lunchtime today Eric told me he was getting on an airplane and then this evening he showed us his 'office'.  Too cute!!  He's checking his email in this picture :)  Video: Nick Likes the Frog Block

April 26, 2010 - Dave left this morning for his first official trip since Nick was born.  He's off to LA for three nights for a conference.  I hope to survive!

April 24, 2010 - Last night Eric spent the night at Nana and Pops' and we got a nice little break.  It's amazing how you get used to the constant chatter of a 3-year-old.  Even with Nick at home, the house felt so quiet!  The de-swaddling process is pretty much over and really went much better than expected.  We just need to figure out how to keep the darn binky in his mouth!  :)

April 23, 2010 - Carrots!!


April 22, 2010 - Today was the 'Special Someone Tea' at preschool.  All the kids and their special someone dressed up for the breakfast, followed by craft and story time in the classroom.  In the second picture you can see my beautiful hand-made corsage :)


April 21, 2010 - Peas!!


April 20, 2010 - Today I did something I thought I would never do.  The kids and I participated in a photo shoot for a political campaign.  A friend of mind is running for city council and they wanted pictures with parents and kids.  It took Eric a few minutes to warm up, but then he seemed to have a great time running around and even followed directions really well with the photographer!  Today I also began the de-swaddling process with Nick.  The problem with having his arms out seems to be that he won't keep the binky in, and he doesn't want to go to sleep without it.  We'll see how this goes! 

April 18, 2010 - The play structure is finished!  Good job, Dave!


April 17, 2010 - Lots happing today!  Dave spent most of today constructing a new play structure for the backyard.  Eric can't wait until it is finished (hopefully tomorrow).  Eric also got to play outside a lot today and the weather was nice.  We also gave Nick his first solid food!  I'm not sure if he likes the rice cereal, but he was certainly intrigued!  I also had to take a picture of Eric and his room after his 'rest' time.  He now actually napping only a couple of times a week and today was a day with no sleeping and lots of playing!  At least it still gives us a break...  Video: Nick's First Solid Food


April 15, 2010 - My cuties!


April 14, 2010 - Eric went to the dentist this morning for a cleaning and check-up.  He was pretty scared and skittish, I think mainly from his recent experience at the allergist.  He didn't end up getting his teeth cleaned, but he did play with one of the gals who works there and overall had a fun and comfortable experience.  The dentist was also able to get a quick look in his mouth and said that everything looks great and no cavities! 

April 12 2010 - Nick is 5 months old today!  He has become such a different baby over the last month or so.  His first four months he was super fussy almost all the time.  He has now become a much, much happier baby!  He smiles, talks and laughs almost all the time and usually only cries when he is hungry or tired.  He has also started sleeping a solid 10-11 hours at night, which is quite nice.  Now if only I would go to bed earlier... :)

April 10, 2010 - This afternoon Dave took Eric to the swap meet for a few hours.  In the last picture, we thought it was cute how Eric put his shoes away inside of Dave's shoes (instead of into the shoe basket).


April 9, 2010 - Dave spent all day and evening at the swap meet today, so Nana came over for the evening.  Before we went out for dinner, we asked Eric what he wanted to do and his response: "Ride on green rolley", the roller character from Bob the Builder.  Which just happens to be at Toys R Us.  So, we did that and Eric managed to finagle a new car out of Nana.  Eric loved his Rolley time and his new garbage truck.  Nick also had a good time with Nana:  Nick & Nana- 5 Months.

April 8, 2010 - Look at those thighs!!


April 7, 2010 - This morning I took Eric to the allergist for his allergy testing.  He did pretty well, considering, and we even made it out of the building without a huge fit :)  He cried on and off during and after the testing, but that is completely understandable when you have two strangers shoving lots of needles into your back!  Thankfully, Dave was able to stay home with Nick this morning.  The testing revealed that, yes, Eric is definitely allergic to peanuts but nothing else popped up.  They didn't test every nut, but both almonds and walnuts came back negative.  Eric was a much happier kid when we got home and he had a great time playing with his new bubble thing, even in the rain.

We also got several videos from today:  Bubbles in the Rain, Giraffe & Zebra, and Rescue Me! (long)

April 4, 2010 - Happy Easter!  This morning we got all dressed up and went to church.  We probably would have made it through the entire service, but they decided to do communion today.  So, we had to leave early due to a fussy baby and a 3-year-old who won't sit still.  We then headed up to Nana and Pops for a fun Easter day and dinner.  Cousin Zachary was also there and Eric had a great time playing with him.


April 3, 2010 - This morning was our neighborhood's annual Easter egg hunt in the park, but it was rainy and 40 degrees out.  With Eric still coughing and recovering, we decided to skip it.  But, we did color Easter eggs this afternoon.  Video:  Eric explaining the egg tongs


April 2, 2010 - Here's a fun picture of Dave entertaining both kids, including a very fussy Nicholas (probably from yesterday's shots).

April 1, 2010 - Eric was well enough to go to preschool today- yay!  This was also good because Nick had his 4-month check-up this morning.  Nick now weighs almost 15 pounds (30th percentile) and is about 25 inches long.  The flat spots on his head seem to be getting better and he is doing great!  He had some shots but recovered pretty quickly.

March 31, 2010 - Eric is finally starting to feel better today.  Whew.  We finally got out of the house today and made a Costco run.  Something you can do with a slightly-sick kid :)

March 30, 2010 - Eric is still pretty sick, so no preschool for him today.  His asthma kicked in today, too, so lots and lots of coughing.  On the plus side, we were at home all day and got to see Nick roll over more.  Today he rolled the other direction!  Here's another video, this time the roll is quick :)  Nick Rolling- Day 2  We also snapped this funny picture of what Dave did to Nick.

March 29, 2010 - Nick rolled over for the first time today!  He rolled from front to back, always easier with gravity helping :)  Here's a video, but beware- this one was a slow roll.  Nick Rolls Over for First Time

March 28, 2010 - Eric woke up with a cold and cough this morning :(  He's been feeling icky all day.  Hopefully he'll be feeling better by Tuesday so he can go to preschool.  He has been such a stinker this past week (refusing to do anything we ask of him), so I know I can use a break! 

March 27, 2010 - "I know that binky is someplace..."

March 25, 2010 - This is spring break week for us, which means no preschool for Eric.  And that means we had more free mornings than normal.  So, yesterday we went to visit Dave at his office and then went out for lunch.  Today we visited Pops at his office and then went out for lunch with him.  Then we headed up to Nana's school and real estate office for visits, then to their house for a bit before heading home.  I don't know about the boys, but I was certainly exhausted!

March 22, 2010 - Nick and his 'bling' :)

March 21, 2010 - Some fun pictures from today...


March 20, 2010 - We took advantage of the nice weather today (72!!) and drove out to Multnomah Falls to show Eric what a waterfall looks like.  He saw it on the news a while back and wondered 'what is that?'  He seemed to enjoy looking at it.  We walked up to the bridge for a closer look and he had a lot of questions about how the waterfall works.  Ah...our little engineer :)


March 19, 2010 - For the last two days Eric has been complaining about a sore mouth/throat.  So, this afternoon I took him to the ped's to be tested for strep.  Test came back negative and the doctor didn't see anything wrong so we'll just keep an eye on it...

March 18, 2010 - Today was bike day at preschool, so the kids all brought their trikes/bikes/scooters and rode them around the gym.  I wasn't there, but sounds like complete chaos to me :)  It was certainly interesting trying to get Eric, the trike and Nick between the car and the building!

March 17, 2010 - Happy St. Patrick's Day!  We had a warm and sunny (58) day today and were able to get outside for a walk, which was nice.  For dinner we had a 'green' dinner, although the green Jell-o was not a hit.  Oh well.

March 16, 2010 - Dave is home, and I survived!  Yea!  Here's a picture of Nick and I working on tummy time...

March 15, 2010 - Tonight is Dave's first night away- he is in AZ for one night.  I had our neighborhood babysitter, Hanna, come over tonight to help me with the boys, especially since I needed to give them both a bath.  I survived the evening and will hopefully make it until Dave gets home tomorrow night!  On the plus side, Nick slept 10 hours straight last night, from 9:30-7:30 :)

March 14, 2010 - We spent the afternoon at Nana and Pops' and got some pictures of all five grandkids together.


March 13, 2010 - Eric- much too big for the Bumbo seat!


March 12, 2010 - Nick is four months old today!  We don't go in for his check-up for another three weeks, so I'll have to wait to figure out how much he weighs these days.  I did a side-by-side comparison of the boys at four months- here's the file:  Nick & Eric @ 4 months.  Nick is definitely bigger (to be expected), but they don't look too much alike anymore.  Some same features like the nose, mouth and eyes.


March 11, 2010 - I gave almond butter to Eric at lunch today and, thankfully, he had no reaction to it.  The allergist said to avoid nuts until we do the testing, but that he could try the almond butter since he has had it so often and frequently the last two years.  It was also better to go back to it sooner, rather than waiting until after the testing.  Also, here's some picture from this evening.  Nick sure loves his fingers!


March 10, 2010 - We went to see the allergist this morning.  It was quite a morning.  We are going to wait a few weeks before doing any allergy testing.  The doctor also specializes in asthma, so he had some interesting things to say about how to manage Eric's asthmatic response to colds.  Eric really didn't like being there and was very happy to be done.  However, on the way out (and all the way home!) he had the biggest fit I have ever seen.  Ironically, when he had a huge fit last summer it was as we were leaving the same office in the same building.  I think the reasons were different, but I'm not looking forward to going back there for the allergy testing!

Needless to say, it was a good night for me to have bunco.  I was very glad to get out of the house.  Here's a picture of how I found Nick when I got home.  Dave was at his wits end with him at bedtime, so just put him on the kitchen floor while he worked on dishes!

March 8, 2010 - I got to go back to band tonight!  It was good to see everyone there and to play music again, which always relaxes me.

March 7, 2010 - Video of Nick doing his tummy time (which he really hates) on Daddy and being distracted by big brother.

March 6, 2010 - Nick is now intentionally grabbing a toy to stick in his mouth and chew on.  I can hold a toy in front of him and see him look at it and move his hand (usually his left- another lefty?) to grab it and then put it in his mouth. 

March 5, 2010 - Eric was doing perfectly fine today, whew!  He was pretty tired and took a good nap, but otherwise completely normal.  I talked with the pediatrician and she recommends that we take Eric to an allergist.  I was able to get an appointment for Wednesday.  She also sent in a prescription for an epi pen- something I hope to never need to use!  Tonight at dinner Dave tried to tease Eric by asking if he wanted a peanut butter cookie and he reacted by crying :(  Poor kid.  At least he knows not to eat it.

Dave snapped this picture this morning of me trying to catch some extra zzz's even though Nick was already awake.  Also, here's a cute video of Nick being tickled.


March 4, 2010 - What a day today!  This morning Eric had 'Munch with Men' at preschool, where the daddies (or other men) come in for breakfast and activities for the first hour of preschool.  Eric has been looking forward to this all week and he had a great time with Daddy there this morning.

This evening was a different the end of dinner we ended up letting Eric try a peanut butter girl scout cookie for dessert.  We did this knowing it was his first time trying peanuts or peanut butter.  And, yes, it turns out that he is allergic.  Almost immediately his throat started bothering him.  He started having a weird cough about 20 minutes later and threw up twice after 45 minutes.  Thankfully, through all of this his breathing seemed to be fine so we didn't need to call 911.  But, after talking with the advice nurse, we were told to take him to the ER since he had vomited so quickly.  So, I quickly gathered up some things, got Eric into his PJs and headed to the hospital.  Dave stayed home with Nick to get him to bed and finish cleaning up the messes.

Eric did so well at the ER.  We were seen pretty quickly by a triage nurse (who checked that his breathing was fine, and it was) and then taken back to the Children's ER section within 10 minutes after that.  By this point I could see that Eric was already doing better and was perking up.  Vomiting was probably the best thing he did.  Once we got to the exam area he was itching and hives were beginning to appear.  The doctor checked him out and concluded he was breathing fine and on the mend.  Eric was given some Benedryl (we had tried at home but it made him throw up again) and we were sent home with instructions to check him every hour for the first half of the night and to follow up with the pediatrician.  Eric crashed pretty quickly once we got home (he didn't take a nap today) and the night checks were fine.

March 1, 2010 - The last few nights we've been trying to get Nick to fall asleep in his crib (instead of downstairs on Daddy) and around 9:00.  It's been working pretty good so far, so we'll see how things continue.  Most nights his first stretch of sleep is 5-7 hours and I end up getting up with him once, sometime between 3 and 5am.  Usually he goes right back to sleep and I'm only up for about 30 minutes.  These are the nights I can handle; it's the odd nights when he wakes up more than once that I am really dragging the next day.  Thankfully it doesn't happen too often nowadays.

February 28, 2010 - We are constantly amazed at the ingenuity of a 3-year old.  Tonight Dave and Eric were playing around.  First Dave was tickling him, then he was 'getting his nose', and then he tried to 'get his ears'.  Each time Eric covered himself up so that Daddy couldn't get him.  Finally Dave said 'I'm going to get your ears and your nose!'  Eric's response?  He covered his ears with his hands and put his nose to the floor, hence figuring out how to cover all three areas when he has only two hands.  What a smartie!

February 27, 2010 - Nana and Pops came over tonight and we went out for our 'lobsterfest' dinner at Red Lobster.  Yum...  Here's some cute pictures from today.  Nick just loves watching his big brother!


February 26, 2010 - Nick slept from midnight to 8am last nice!

February 22, 2010 - This morning I bought a bumbo seat for Nick to use and here's some cute pictures of him trying it for the first time tonight.  These evening was also my first time to do bedtime with both kids by myself as Dave had a work dinner.  I survived, but it sure was tough!


February 21, 2010 - Another swing picture.  Often by around 6:00 Nick is ready for a last quick nap but won't easily go to sleep in his crib, especially since I'm usually trying to get dinner ready around this time.  It's not unusual for us to wrap him up in his swaddle and stick him in the swing, where he generally falls asleep for a bit.

February 20, 2010 - Nick asleep in his swing today... (don't worry, we didn't let him stay like this for too long).

February 19, 2010 - It was sunny and 60 degrees today!  This morning we went to a playground with some friends and Eric had a great time running all around, climbing all over the equipment and going down the slides. 

February 18, 2010 - This morning Nick picked up his first toy!  I think it was completely by accident, and you can see on the video how he is getting frustrated every time he bonks himself in the head with the toy.  Also, tonight I heard a true belly laugh from Nick for the first time.  Dave has heard it before, but it was nice for me to finally hear it as well.

February 15, 2010 - Took Grammy back to the airport this morning.  Eric is already asking when we will see her and Grandpa again, and when we can go visit at their house!

February 14, 2010 - Some more pictures from this weekend...


February 13, 2010 - Tonight Dave and I got to go out to dinner, just the two of us!  It was so nice to have a relaxing dinner without kids.  Thanks, Grammy!

February 12, 2010 - This morning we picked up Grammy at the airport, who is visiting for the long weekend.  On a side note, on the way we stopped at Starbucks to pick up some coffee for me (we have a drive thru location right by our house).  Since I didn't sleep much last night, I ordered a caffeinated mocha.  When I got to the window to pick it up, the guy asked me 'are you sure you didn't want decaf?', knowing that I typically get decaf.  I guess they know me very well!


February 10, 2010 - Video of Nick doing Tummy Time with the Baby in the Mirror

February 9, 2010 - Nick slept a lot today, which was really nice.  This evening I got out the bigger bathtub for him to use and it worked ok.  He was getting a little big for bathing in the kitchen sink, plus he is starting to kick his legs more and I don't want him to bump his head on the porcelain sink.

February 7, 2010 - This morning we celebrated Nana's birthday by going out for a big family brunch.  We then came back to our house for Super Bowl and Jen's cousin Clinton and his wife Heidi joined us.  Eric had a great time watching the football game and constantly going up and down the stairs since people we both up and down (something he doesn't usually get to do).  He also had a lot of fun playing with Clinton and Heidi.


February 5, 2010 - Today was sunny and 61!  Amazing weather for February :)  We walked to the park for the first time in several months and Eric had a great time playing on all of the equipment.  He also got to pee in the bushes for the first time!  It was a bit difficult for me to assist him (especially being the first time and all) since I had Nick sound asleep in the front carrier, but we managed to make it work :)


February 3, 2010 - Wow- Nick slept 9.5 hours last night!  What a treat :)  Also, this afternoon Grandpa came over for a few hours (he is in town for a day for work).  Eric had a great time with Grandpa and especially enjoyed reading stories together and finding Waldo.

Video: Eric Reading to Grandpa (beware- large file)


February 2, 2010 - This afternoon I got both boys to take naps and the same time, and I got a 90-minute nap in as well!  It felt so nice :)  This evening we did a photo session with the boys in their brother shirts.  Eric desperately needs a haircut...good thing we're going in tomorrow morning!


February 1, 2010 - Eric is feeling better from his cold, but we decided to stay home from playgroup today just to be safe.  I also began working on a version of sleep training with Nick.  I'm trying to lay him down for sleep when he begins to be tired so that he begins to learn to fall asleep by himself.  With Eric running around and to take care of, I just can't rock Nick to sleep every time.  Today it worked about half the time.  We'll see how the rest of the week goes.

January 31, 2010 - Here's a cute video of Eric and Dave tickling Nick and getting him to smile.

January 30, 2010- Eric has another cold....  In this picture he is reading his 'Monster Trucks' book to Nick to entertain him during tummy time.  As is typical for most babies, Nick doesn't like tummy time but he seems to handle it better when he can watch his big brother.

January 29, 2010- This afternoon Dave and Eric went to the International Car Show.  Eric had fun getting in and out of the cars.


January 28, 2010- All week Nick won't sleep longer than 30-45 minutes at a time, during the day and in his crib.  It's been very frustrating...  He has discovered a few of his fingers, though!


January 27, 2010- It was sunny today and we finally got to take a quick walk outside- very nice!

January 26 2010- Today was 'crazy hat day' at preschool.  Eric had fun decorating his hat yesterday!


January 25, 2010- Playgroup was canceled today so I took the boys to Dave's office for lunch.  Nick slept the whole time but Eric had fun drawing on the whiteboards and eating with Daddy.

January 24, 2010- Eric loved working on his puzzles today!


January 23, 2010- Bought a new laptop and new HDTV for upstairs today...a day of electronics!

January 22, 2010- Today Nick grabbed a toy for the first time!  Here's also a video of him; he was talking quite a bit but became Camera Shy once Dave got the camera out.

January 20, 2010- We went to the grocery store this morning and I dropped Eric off at Playland.  5 minutes later I was being paged back to Playland to pick him up.  He loved it last spring/summer, but something scared him this time.  It was our first time taking him there in several months.  So, I got to do a big grocery run with both kids, but thankfully they both cooperated for me.

January 19, 2010- This morning when I got Nick (who slept a 7-hour stretch last night!) he saved his smiles just for Eric.  Very cute!  Nick just loves watching his big brother and Eric definitely gets more smiles that Dave or I.

January 18, 2010- Dave got cheap take-out for dinner tonight so that I didn't have to cook on my birthday :)

January 17, 2010- Tonight we celebrated my birthday and had a nice dinner out.  When it came time to open gifts, Eric couldn't wait to 'help'.

January 16, 2010- This morning we had our annual playgroup birthday party at Pump It Up Junior.  Eric was very apprehensive at first, but after some encouragement from Dave and I he had a great time playing on the equipment and going down the slides. 

               Videos:  Eric on the Slide   Eric Bouncing

January 14, 2010- Eric woke up with a cold this morning, so no preschool for him today.  On the plus side, Nick slept through the night last night!  Midnight-7:30am.  Wow!  He also slept a lot today, so he must be going through a bit of a growing spurt.

January 13, 2010- Tonight I took Nick with me to bunco while Eric had a much-needed daddy night and the two of them went out for sushi for dinner.

January 12, 2010- Nick is two months old today!  This morning I took him in for his check-up and his first set of shots.  He weighed in at 10 lb, 13 oz (30th percentile).  Nick wasn't thrilled with the shots, but overall he did well.  Ironically, it was the liquid vaccine that he had the most issues with.  The nurse was 3/4 of they way through giving it to him when he had a huge throw-up all over.  The appointment went a little longer than I had hoped so we asked Ruth, JJ and Lydia to pick Eric up from preschool (they live across the street from the preschool and church).  Eric had a great time playing cars with the kids until I got there.  Nick woke up this afternoon VERY unhappy, presumably due to the shots.  After some food and some Tylenol, he was quickly back to sleep.  Here are some cute pictures from today- when he was happy!

           Video: Tickling Nick @ 2 Months

January 11, 2010- We had playgroup at our house today.  It was nice to see everyone as it has been several weeks since we made it to playgroup.

January 10, 2010- Yesterday Nick had a good he did not.  Eric worked on puzzles a lot today which was nice to see :)

January 8, 2010- It's amazing how long it can take to get out the door in the morning...very frustrating.

January 7, 2010- While Eric was at preschool this morning I took Nick with me to get my haircut.  Mistake.  Instead of sleeping through it he was awake the entire time and I even had to feed him while my hair was being done- not an easy task!  When we went to pick Eric up from preschool I was told that he was very chatty today again.  He's a new kid!

January 5, 2010- Eric returned to preschool today and he really looked forward to it.  When we picked him up his teachers told me about how outgoing he was today during gym time, much more than normal.  I think his personality has blossomed!!  Today was another good day for Nick, so fingers are now crossed that this continues...

January 4, 2010- Today was Dave's first day back at work after being home for two weeks.  I think he is looking forward to getting back to regular sleeping.  Thankfully, the boys and I survived today and hope to be in a good routine soon.  Nick really wasn't fussy today which was a big help.

January 3, 2010- was a much better day for Nick.  Only time will tell if formula #2 is best for him, but at least today we had a baby who ate and didn't scream all day.

January 2, 2010- After nap today Dave and Eric put together his new computer that Santa brought him.  And, although you wouldn't know it from the picture below, Nick was a very unhappy baby today.  After being fussy, crying lots, refusing to eat, spitting up a ton, very gassy and projectile vomiting twice, we decided tonight to stop the new formula (#4) and go back to one he had been on before (#2).  Here's to hoping that tomorrow is a better day...


January 1, 2010- Happy New Years!  We began taking down Christmas decorations today and then went out for German food for dinner tonight with Jen's family.  Yum!



This site was last updated 01/08/12