The Life of Eric in 2007


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December 31, 2007 - Nana and Pops came over and the seven of us went out to dinner for New Years eve. 

December 30, 2007 - Grandma and Grandpa arrived this morning for a New Years visit.  Eric has also started to 'cruise' around the furniture a little bit.  He'll slowly make his way from one end of the coffee table to the other.

December 25, 2007 - After Eric woke up this morning we headed up to Vancouver to Nana and Pops' for the day.  We were even blessed with some snow falling for an hour or two.  We had a busy day of opening gifts and didn't get home until late.


December 24, 2007 - Nana and Pops came over this evening for Christmas Eve dinner.  After dinner, we went to church and then came back home.  Eric was still awake, so we let him open up one Christmas gift tonight.


December 23, 2007 - We headed up to Nana and Pops' for the evening to celebrate cousin Zachary's 5th birthday.

December 21, 2007 - Eric officially has four molars coming in, for a grand total of 12 teeth now.  Wow!  He's been doing really well considering how painful it must be.

December 20, 2007 - Today Eric officially began pulling himself up to a standing position.  Yea!!  He's been pulling himself up to his knees for about a month.  We've been practicing standing a lot over the last couple of weeks and the practice paid off.  He doesn't stand for very long, but he'll gradually increase the strength in his legs and will be walking before we know it.

December 17, 2007 - Eric was "helping" Jen fold laundry this morning and Eric actually let Jen put his Santa hat on him.  He doesn't like things on his head, but Jen was able to capture a few pictures.  The hat doesn't really match his PJs, but that's ok.

December 15, 2007 - This afternoon/evening Jen's friends Crista and JaiAnn and their families came over for a Christmas get-together.  We always have fun and the guys especially enjoy getting in some games of pool.

December 9, 2007 - This morning we had some snow flurries so we bundled up and headed out to enjoy the snowflakes.  This was Eric's first time actually out in the snow.  It just flurried though and didn't stick.  In the afternoon Dave and Eric took Kim and Robb back to the airport while Jen took Kolee to the emergency vet.  We thought something odd was going on with him earlier this week, but today his face was all swollen up.  Unfortunately, the vet said that Kolee's liver was shutting down and that we were looking at a terminal case.  Jen called Dave and he and Eric headed to the vet from the airport and we made the decision to put Kolee to sleep.  It was a very rough afternoon and evening, but we know he is in a better place and won't be uncomfortable anymore.


December 7, 2007 - This morning Jen and Eric picked up friends Kim and Robb at the airport for a weekend visit.  Jen used to work with Kim at Santa Clara County.  After lunch, the five of us headed out to get our Christmas tree.  Eric's naps were all messed up so he wasn't the happiest of kids, but the rest of us had fun.  Thanks to Robb for helping Dave carry the tree!

December 3, 2007 - We've officially decided that Eric's first word is 'uh-oh'.  He started saying it after, and sometimes even before, dropping something. 

December 2, 2007 - A few days ago we suspected that we had a mouse in the house.  Tonight Mocha found it for us and Dave was able to capture a picture of it.  Jen has named it Jerry/Gerry.

December 1, 2007 - Today Jen discovered that Eric has another tooth- a molar!  She hadn't been checking that far back in his mouth until today, and it must have popped through a while ago.  It feels like two more could pop through any day.

November 28, 2007 - Jen came down with Eric's cold too, so looks like we'll be staying in for a couple of days.  Eric tried whole milk this morning (instead of formula) and he didn't even seem to notice the difference. 

November 27, 2007 - Eric came down with his second cold today.  Not a surprise given how much has been going on the last week.  At least he waited until after his birthday.

November 26, 2007 - Eric had his one-year checkup this afternoon.  He now weighs 22 pounds (40th percentile) and is 30.25 inches long (60th percentile).  We were given the ok to switch from formula to whole milk, so we'll be trying that soon.  The doctor was not concerned about his gross motor development (since he isn't cruising between furniture or really on his feet yet).  She said he's a tad bit behind, but nothing to be concerned with at this point.

November 24, 2007 - After taking Great Grandma to the airport, we headed downtown with Grandma and Grandpa to go see Santa.  Although Eric doesn't usually have any stranger anxiety, he did start screaming when we handed him to Santa.  Apparently he takes after Dave in this regard.  Hopefully next year will be better...  After Santa, though, he seemed to be just fine and ready for more pictures.


November 23, 2007 - Eric's first birthday!!  Eric had a great time celebrating his birthday with family.  Although he was unsure of it at first, he seemed to enjoy playing with his chocolate cake and eventually ate a little bit.  He also had fun opening his gifts, although he enjoyed the bows and paper the best :)  It's hard to believe our little boy is one year old....


November 22, 2007 - Thanksgiving!!  Although this is technically Eric's second Thanksgiving, this year he was able to enjoy and good family holiday.  Grandma and Grandpa arrived very early this morning and around lunchtime we headed to Nana and Pops for the rest of the day.  Eric had a lot of fun playing with the grandparents, and he even tried some of the Thanksgiving meal!


November 20, 2007 - Today Great Grandma arrived from Phoenix for a visit over Thanksgiving and Eric's birthday.  Dave took this week off, so he was able to pick her up from the airport.


November 19, 2007 - During dinner this evening, Eric was playing on the floor and the next thing we knew he had pulled himself up to the fireplace (to his knees).  We are very excited that he is finally pulling himself up to things.  Yea!!

November 17, 2007 - Dave arrived home this morning- yea!!  Eric and Jen survived their time without him, but are very happy that he is now home safe and sound.  Thankfully, there shouldn't be any more international trips for him until January at the earliest.

November 7, 2007 - Dave left this morning for his week and a half long trip to South Korea, Taiwan and Japan.  We were able to enjoy a nice breakfast together at the airport, though, before he left.

October 31, 2007 - Eric's first Halloween!!  We didn't take Eric trick-or-treating this year, but we dressed him up for passing out candy.  Here's a couple more pictures of the cute frog...


October 29, 2007 - Today was a busy day.  First, we discovered that Eric is getting tooth #8- also on the bottom.  In the afternoon we headed to playgroup and we dressed the babies in their Halloween costumes.  It was a lot of fun!  At the end of playgroup Jen was holding Eric and her water bottle with a straw.  She looked over and Eric was drinking water from the straw.  Yea!  He had a lot of fun at dinner drinking from his straw sippy cup.

October 28, 2007 - We headed up to the Robley's for an afternoon/evening of Halloween activities.  We got lots of pictures of the kids in their costumes, carved pumpkins, and ate ghoulish food.


October 27, 2007 - We went to a Halloween party at a friends house- one of Dave's coworkers.  Eric seemed to have fun and wasn't at all scared of the costumes.


October 24, 2007 - Tooth #7 is on its way in- on the bottom, left.  Eric has been a bit fussy, but not too bad.

October 23, 2007 - Eric is 11 months old today!  Hard to believe that in another month he'll be a year old...  He has now mastered the one-armed army crawl.  It's really cute to watch.  When he sees something he wants, he gets all excited and starts moving towards it.

Dave took the afternoon off and we headed out to the pumpkin patch.  It was a beautiful day- over 70 degrees!  We posed Eric in lots of pictures, but either it was too bright and he was squinting or he was too engrossed in the pumpkins and dirt to smile for us.  We had a good time and can't wait to carve the pumpkins!  Note that you can see all six of his teeth in the second picture...


October 18, 2007 - At 2:00am Jen gets a call from Dave in Germany- he missed his connection, so instead of being home at noonish he should be home in the evening.  Eric also started to do the army crawl this afternoon.  We picked up Dave at the airport tonight and are all thankful that he's home.

October 17, 2007 - Eric started to crawl backwards today!  Only a couple of feet, but it's a start :)

October 16, 2007 - Here's a couple of pictures of Eric playing with some of his toys.


October 15, 2007 - Sarah and Hanna came over again this evening to watch Eric so that Jen could go to band rehearsal.  Although he was fussier tonight, he seemed to go to bed a little bit better.

October 14, 2007 - We headed up to Vancouver again for the afternoon/evening.  Eric spent some time outside with Nana and Jen was able to get some other things done.

October 12, 2007 - Eric seems to be over his cough and cold- yea!!

October 11, 2007 - We headed over to Pops' office this afternoon and then up to Nana and Pops for the evening.  It was nice to get out of the house, and Jen was able to scrounge some dinner and a couple extra sets of hands for dealing with Eric.  This morning Eric woke up waving at his clock, but waving with just his hand and not his entire arm.  His waving skills are improving!

October 10, 2007 - This evening Eric has his very first non-family babysitters so that Jen could go to Bunco (which was just around the corner).  Two neighbor girls (sisters) came over and they had the fun of putting him to bed.  He cried (which he usually doesn't), and eventually cried himself to sleep. 

October 9, 2007 - Eric was being very fun and cute and I just had to capture some pictures.  We were playing a copy game where he makes a funny noise and I copy him- simple but fun!

October 7, 2007 - This morning we took Dave to the airport and he left for his India/Israel trip.  He'll be gone for 11 days- his longest trip yet.  After the airport, Jen took Eric into the doctor to have them check out his cough.  Good news- the cough has not gotten into his lungs and his ears don't have an infection.  Still just a cold...

After the doctor's appointment, we head up to Vancouver to Nana and Pops.  We spend the afternoon with them and then head back into Portland for dinner to celebrate Uncle Mike's birthday at the Old Spaghetti Factory.  Eric has a great time at the restaurant, looking at all the lights and fans.  But most of all he enjoyed waving at Pops (who he was sitting next to) the entire evening.  Eric learned to wave back in August, but took a hiatus until this evening.  Every time he looked at Pops, he waved.  Funny boy!

October 6, 2007 - Eric is still recovering from his cold.  He's now coughing quite a bit, so we're keeping an eye on it.  Hopefully he doesn't get worse.  Here's a couple of cute pictures of him playing with his pumpkin.  You can see how drippy he still is :(


October 5, 2007 - Eric enjoyed playing with his new table toy.  Afterwards, he somehow managed to get himself underneath.  Tricky little boy!

October 1, 2007 - Today Eric woke up with his first head cold.  We were supposed to host playgroup here, but decided to cancel so that no one else gets sick.  He had a pretty crummy day with a very drippy nose, but managed to have some fun playing too.

September 28, 2007 - We headed down to Corvallis this morning for Grandma Robley's memorial service.  Eric did very well with the day trip.  He seemed to really find his voice during the service and did quite a bit of talking, so he and Jen had to go and sit in the back.

Eric was very awake that evening (which was a surprise given how little sleep he got today), so he had some fun with daddy.


September 24, 2007 - At playgroup today Eric finally started getting up onto his knees more.  We're trying to encourage this so that hopefully he'll start crawling soon.

September 23, 2007 - Eric and Jen headed up to Vancouver to meet up with Crista, JaiAnn and all the kids at a park.  We had a good time and Eric got to swing on the bigger-kid swings for the first time!

September 17, 2007 - We captured some pictures of Eric eating...  Where did the Cheerio go??

September 15, 2007 - Eric and Jen went over to Nana and Pops for the afternoon, where Gracie and Zack were also there.  Here's a picture of the three of them.

September 13, 2007 - This morning the community nurse came by to see Eric.  We talked and she played with him to see how he is doing developmentally.  Overall, he is doing just fine.  He is a bit behind (but not by much) on the gross motor skills, so we need to encourage him to start crawling and pulling himself up.  She did notice how closely Eric likes to look at things.  She gave him some small blocks to play with and instead of putting them straight into his mouth (like most babies do), he first had to feel them and check them out.  He is like this with most new things and loves to feel textures.  Because of this, he may not be super interested in the bigger world around him.  Also, since he moves a lot without crawling (he rolls and twists everywhere), he might not be too motivated to crawl.  Some things for us to work on...

September 8, 2007 - Eric had a daddy day today while Jen and Nana went shopping.  

September 7, 2007 - Eric discovers how yummy the wood tastes.  He enjoys rubbing his new top teeth on the wood.

September 5, 2007 - Eric went in for his shots this afternoon.  He didn't have them at his regular appointment since he was sick.  He did really well and only cried for a minute.

September 2, 2007 - We go over to Nana and Pops for dinner and have fun taking some pictures.  Dave managed to capture Eric showing off his two bottom teeth here.


September 1, 2007 - We take Eric in for his 9-month pictures today.  We postponed them a week due to his illness.  Right before we left, Eric gave himself a nice big scratch on his cheek.  His skin is still a little red from the rash, so the pictures won't be the greatest.  Oh well- this is what he was like at 9 months so we'll still take the pictures.

August 31, 2007 - We venture to Ikea for the day.  Eric does pretty well and enjoys looking at and feeling all the different things at the store.  It was a long day for both of us, but fun (for Jen at least).

August 30, 2007 - Eric's fever is now gone (yea!!) and the rash is pretty much gone.  He isn't quite himself yet, but he's getting there.

August 28, 2007 - Eric's rash seems to be slowly going away and his fever isn't super high.  We hope he is on the mend.  We also discover that his top two teeth (middle) are coming in.  No wonder he's been so fussy, with being sick and teething at the same time.  Poor little guy....  He did discover how fun it is to play with the paper ads, though.  He was also kind enough to wake Jen up twice during the night so that she could see the lunar eclipse.


August 27, 2007 - Eric has his 9-month check-up this morning and we go ahead and go in.  He's still feeling quite lousy and has a slight fever, although it isn't as high as it was a couple of days ago.  Eric weighs in at 20 pounds, 7 ounces (50th percentile) and is 29 inches long (75th percentile).  His doctor notices that his throat is red, so they do a test for strep but it comes back negative.  So, still a virus.

August 26, 2007 - We head in to see the doctor in the morning.  Eric was a real trooper.  They checked his blood and urine, but it looks like it is just a virus.  So, we're to do 'fever management' and give him Tylenol to keep the fever down.  Eric has a pretty fussy day and slept more than usual.

August 25, 2007 - In the morning Eric still had the rash but otherwise was normal.  After speaking with the advice nurse again we still think it is a food allergy and is something that will pass.  Since it was only a food allergy, we go ahead and head up to Vancouver to get together with Jen's friends Crista and JaiAnn and their families.  You can see from the picture that Eric isn't quite himself.  He started getting pretty fussy while we were there.

After we get home we take Eric's temperature and it is close to 102 degrees.  We decide to stick him in a cool bath, which he hates and screams the whole time (we don't blame him).  The rash has spread from his torso to his face and extremities.  After talking with the advice nurse yet again we determine it will be a good idea to take him in to the doctor the next day.  Eric wakes several times during the night with the fever and we keep him on Tylenol.

August 24, 2007 - This afternoon we went to the family BBQ at Intel.  Dave had to leave early for a meeting, but Eric and Jen stayed and chatted with people for a while.  Later that night, we noticed that Eric was developing a rash.  After talking with the advice nurse, we suspect it is a food allergy (probably peaches), but we'll keep an eye on things and call again in the morning.

August 22, 2007 - Today our new front doors were installed- yea!  We'll post a picture after the painters come back to paint the doors.

August 21, 2007 - This morning we headed out to the airport and for home.  Eric was pretty good at the airport and on the plane, especially considering we spent 45 minutes waiting to check in and then an extra half hour sitting in the plane waiting for the baggage to be loaded.  Today was our (Jen and Dave) anniversary (8 years), but we celebrated the night before with our dinner out.

August 20, 2007 - This morning we headed down to the south bay and went to Jen's old office to see her coworkers.  After a brief visit in the office, we headed out for lunch with Carolyn, Pamela and Kim.  We then headed to Intel and visited with a few of Dave's coworkers.  After the Intel visit we headed up to pick up Grandma from work and she had a great time showing Eric off to her coworkers.  Eric had a very busy day, but had fun seeing everyone!  In the evening Grandma and Grandpa watched Eric so that Jen and Dave could go out for an early anniversary dinner.


August 19, 2007 - Today is Daddy's birthday!  Dave is now 31 years old and wanted to spend the day vegging.  We went out for a Mexican dinner and then came back and had chocolate cherry birthday cake (no, Eric didn't get any- he has to wait until his first birthday for cake).


August 18, 2007 - We stayed in today and relaxed and then spent the afternoon and evening visiting with our friends Chip and Jen, who came up for a barbeque dinner.  It was great to see them and spend the evening with them.  We also discovered a second tooth coming in, right next to the first one.  Yea!!

August 17, 2007 - We ventured into San Francisco this afternoon and drove all over the city looking for a park (which we now know is Alma Square) and then headed for a visit to the Palace of Fine Arts and the marina district.  It was a gorgeous day in the city!


August 16, 2007 - Today we left for the Bay Area to go visit Grandma and Grandpa and see some friends.  Eric was an angel on the flight and had a terrific time flirting with the other passengers and the flight attendant.

August 15, 2007 - Eric and Jen met up with Jen's boss from Santa Clara County (who was in town for a long weekend) and had lunch in downtown Portland.  It was a beautiful day to show off the city!

August 13, 2007 - Eric has his first tooth coming in!  Jen discovered it right before leaving for playgroup and excitedly called Dave at work.  Eric has been chewing on everything and slobbering for months now, so we're very excited that the teeth are here!

August 11, 2007 - Josh, Kate and Myles came over for dinner this evening.  The boys had fun hanging out on our swing!


August 7, 2007 - Our house was finished being painted today and we love how it looks!  We're also getting our front doors replaced soon and the painters will come back to paint the new doors.

Daddy arrived home from his backpacking trip this evening.  His feet were very sore and blistered from the trip, so he'll be taking it easy for a while.

August 4, 2007 - Eric and Mommy spent the day at birthday parties!  We first went to celebrate Myles' (our friends Josh and Kate's son) first birthday.  We then headed up to Vancouver to celebrate Pops' birthday.  A  busy but fun day!


August 3, 2007 - Daddy left early this morning for a backpacking trip in the Wallowa mountains (northeastern Oregon).  I'm really looking forward to his return on Tuesday night (as is Mommy).

August 1, 2007 - We met up with Nana and Pops and Michael, Marybeth and Gracie and went to the classic car cruise-in at PIR (Portland International Raceway).  Dave especially had a great time, looking at all of the mustangs.

July 28, 2007 - We installed a swing for Eric right next to our swing's new location.  He loves it and especially likes it when we say 'Wee!!' as we push him.


Today we also hosted a BBQ for our playgroup.  All the moms, dads and babies from playgroup were able to attend and it was the first time all the babies were together!

July 24, 2007 - Jen had an outdoor band concert this evening.  Eric could finally come to a concert without it being too loud for him.

July 23, 2007 - Eric is 8 months old today!

July 21-25, 2007 - Grandma came for a nice long visit to see Eric.  She had a great time playing with Eric, and Eric seemed to love having someone new to play with.

We took advantage of our resident babysitter (with her permission, of course) and Dave and Jen worked on a yard project.  We removed landscape railroad ties in the corner under the big tree and laid down pavers.  We now have our swing in this location and makes for a much more usable area of the yard.

July 20, 2007 - This afternoon we went to pick up Dave's latest project/hobby.  He's finally getting his dream wish and today we purchased a project car for him- a 1965 Mustang.  The car is in pretty good condition and is drivable.

July 16, 2007 - Today Eric graduated to his next car seat.  He's pretty close to outgrowing his infant seat, so he is now in the next car seat.  The days of keeping a sleeping baby in the car seat and taking him into the house or going on errands are now gone...

July 12, 2007 - Eric had an afternoon with Nana while Mommy and Daddy went to see the latest Harry Potter movie.

July 4, 2007 - This morning we had perfect weather for watching our neighborhood 4th of July parade.  It goes right down our street!  Next year we'll have Eric in the parade too :)  In the afternoon we headed over to Nana and Pops for the evening's activities.  Eric wasn't too crazy about the fireworks- too loud and he was very tired and cranky.  Note the earplugs we attempted to keep in Eric's ears :)

July 3, 2007 - It was a nice and warm day today, so we spent some good time outside.  Here's some pictures of Eric swimming again and just enjoying the backyard.  Eric just loves going outside and looking at Kolee- we think the two of them are having a stare-off in this picture...


End of June/Beginning of July, 2007 - Upon our return from Denver, Eric has learned how to roll, roll, roll.  He rolls all over the floor, and we've even seen him roll towards a destination, such as a specific toy.  He's also starting to use talking sounds, especially the 'b' sound.  He hasn't said any words yet, but when he's crying and upset he is almost crying out 'ma ma....'.  We really need to get the house baby-proofed!

June 28, 2007 - Today we went to our New Moms group so that Eric could graduate.  Typically, babies graduate when they turn six months old, but as Eric was a preemie he got to keep going for a little while longer.  He was getting fussy at the time of the pictures, so unfortunately no smiles from him here :(


June 27, 2007 - We got back from 10 days in Colorado and we had a great time.  Eric did amazingly well on the trip.  We think he is a bit tired of his car seat at this point from all of the traveling and stroller excursions, so we'll give him a break and lots of time to play on the floor. 

June 26, 2007- On our last full day in Colorado, we went down to Colorado Springs and visited the Garden of the Gods.  It was very beautiful!


June 25, 2007- Today we ventured to Rocky Mountain National Park.  We even got to do a diaper change in the back of the car at 12,000 feet. 



June 24, 2007- After taking care of some post-wedding errands, we went to the Denver Aquarium for the afternoon.  Eric really enjoyed watching the fish, both big and small.


June 23, 2007- Today was Uncle Doug's wedding- and I now have an Aunt Eiko :)  Mommy and Daddy were both in the wedding party, so we got some good family pictures of us all dressed up.


Various....- Here a collection of various pictures during the trip.  The swimming picture was Eric's first time in a swimming pool.  He didn't have the best time (too bright and sunny), but he had a great time when we went again in the evening a few days later.


June 18, 2007- Today we left for our big trip to Colorado.  Eric was pretty fussy on the flight into Denver- he was tired and just couldn't get to sleep.  Once the turbulence hit, though, he was out like a light!  The first two nights we stayed with our friends Eric and Makyla.  Here's a picture of Little Eric with Big Eric, his namesake.

June 17, 2007- Today we celebrated our first Father's Day.  We went to the car show in Woodland and then headed back to Nana and Pops for dinner.  It was also the first time all three grandkids were together...  Daddy was too busy taking pictures, so no picture of Eric and Daddy.


June 8, 2007- Daddy is already teaching me to stand and walk!  I don't know about this....

June 4, 2007- I got myself all wrapped up!

June 3, 2007- I'm a Husky!!

June 1, 2007- We went to the zoo today with our playgroup.  Here's a cute picture of all of the babies that were there.  As you can see, Eric wasn't very happy at the time...

May 31, 2007 - Today was Eric's first time in our little swimming pool.  Here's daddy's favorite picture of him.  Eric had a great time splashing around.  Mom had a hard time capturing the picture as she was trying to hold onto a very slippery boy and take pictures at the same time :)

May 28, 2007 - Eric had his first taste of some rice cereal today.  He wasn't thrilled with the food, but we'll keep trying.  Here is also a super-cute bathtime picture.


May 25, 2007 - Dave took the day off today and we went to Mt. St. Helens for a day trip and to see the steam plumes from the active part of the mountain.

May 24, 2007 - Eric had his 6-month appointment today.  All is well, and he now weighs in at 16lb, 13oz (50th percentile) and is 26.5 inches long (75th percentile).  He certainly had a growth spurt over the last couple of months!  He was barely on the charts at his 4-month appointment.  We also got the go-ahead to start solid foods, so we'll be trying that soon.

May 4, 2007 - Today the community health nurse came by to see Eric.  If he had been born on his due date, today he would have been four months old.  We were able to weigh him and Eric now weighs a whopping 16 pounds!  He is in the 75th percentile for weight for his corrected age (four months) and still in about the 25th percentile based upon his birth date.  The nurse also played with Eric to see where he is developmentally.  He is doing everything a four month old should be, and about 3/4ths of what a five month old should be doing.  So, all in all, he is doing great!!

May 2, 2007 - We had playgroup at our house today and took this really cute picture of the babies.  The mommies seemed to enjoy it the most, though!

April 25, 2007 - I'm so cute.... :)

April 27, 2007 - Eric and Daddy sharing some mirror time.

April 26, 2007 - Although Eric had a pretty fussy and cranky day today, he delighted me (Mom) with his first true belly laugh.  He was doing some tummy time in front of the mirror and  apparently found something (don't know what) to be incredibly funny.  It was so nice to hear!  Now he just needs to laugh for Daddy...

April 25, 2007 - Eric's cousins brought him a balloon to play with- he had quite a bit of fun staring at and talking to the balloon.

April 23, 2007 - Eric is 5 months old today!!

April 21, 2007 - "I've got my thumb and my washcloth- I'm ready for anything!" (reminds us of Linus from the Peanuts).

April 20-23, 2007 - Dave came back from Israel and we headed to the beach for the weekend.  This was our first family trip away from home and it was amazing how much 'stuff' we had to take.  The Explorer was quite full!  We spent all day Saturday relaxing inside while it rained outside, and then on Sunday we headed up to Cannon Beach for the afternoon.  Here's a few pictures from the weekend...


April 14, 2007 - We spent this afternoon/evening over at Nana and Pops, after first visiting cousin Gracie.  Here's a picture of where Nana placed Eric while she went to go and retrieve his blanket.  Very cute!!

April 13, 2007 - Dave left for Israel today- we dropped him off at the airport this morning.  He'll be gone for a week, so Eric and Mommy are on their own.  We already can't wait for Daddy to come home!

April 11, 2007 - Grandma left today after a short visit, but she was very happy to see Eric and get her 'Grandson fix'.  Here's a cute picture she took during her visit :)

April 9, 2007 - Grandma arrived today for a visit to see Eric.  She was very excited to see him!  Before picking her up at the airport, though, we first went to meet Eric's new cousin Grace who is one day old.

April 8, 2007 - We celebrated Eric's first Easter today by going to church in the morning and then spending the afternoon at Nana and Pops.  He even had a special outfit just for the day- he looks so spiffy!!


April 5, 2007 - Today Eric discovered how fun it can be to stick out his tongue.  He also tends to do this when he is concentrating on something, such as how much he wants to eat his washcloth :)


March 31, 2007 - This evening we had dinner at Nana and Pops and Eric's cousin Zachary was there too.


March 26, 2007 - Some pictures of Eric enjoying tummy time and play time with the mirror.


March 23, 2007 - Today Eric is four months old!  We had professional pictures taken and you can also view them.  Just go to and log into our account using Jen's email address of and the password 'ericwarren'.  Enjoy!!

March 21, 2007 - Eric discovers his thumb....

March 20, 2007 - Today was Eric's four month appointment.  He now weighs 13lbs 5oz and is in the 25th percentile for weight.  Pretty good for a premie!  He also performed well for the doctor by holding his head up and pushing himself up during tummy time at the appointment.  Then he pulled out all the stops and rolled over, from his tummy to his back, four times in a row!  He hadn't even rolled over at home yet.  Later, at home, Eric learned how fun it can be to pull Mommy's glasses off.  We'll see how long this game lasts.... :)

March 19, 2007 - Tonight Eric and Daddy had their first outing together.  Dave took Eric to the computer store and to the Apple store while Mommy was at band rehearsal.  Eric enjoyed looking at all the toys he will learn to play with as he gets older.  Later that night, Eric decided to really start talking and cooing more.  We have such a fun time talking with him and hearing all that he has to say.

We've also discovered how much the cats like all of Eric's things.  Here's a couple of pictures of Kolee enjoying a comfortable spot...


March 17, 2007 - Today Eric got to meet his Great Grandma Robley as we celebrated her 93rd birthday.  We were also able to capture a four-generation picture.


March 10, 2007 - While Dave was in Israel, Eric and Mommy went to visit Nana and Pops for the afternoon/ evening.


March 6, 2007 - Here are some pictures of Eric playing with his bear, who we've named 'Hugsy'.  Eric just loves smiling at Hugsy :)


February 26, 2007 - Eric got to meet his cousins Lei Lei, J.J. and Lydia for the first time today.  He was a bit cranky, though- a hungry boy!


February 25, 2007 - Eric, Mommy and Nana took a day-trip down to Corvallis for a baby shower and to see family.  Here's a couple of pictures of Eric with his Great Aunt Carol and Uncle Mel.


February 16-19, 2007 - Grandma, Grandpa and Great Grandma came for a visit over the long weekend and enjoyed spending time with Eric.  We even captured a four-generation picture.


February 16, 2007 - Eric was weighed today and he is now a whopping 10lbs 14oz!!

February 15, 2007 - Eric is talking to the bears...

February 10, 2007 - Today we celebrated Nana's birthday and Eric got to meet his cousin Zach for the first time.  Zach was so excited to meet Eric- it was very cute.


February 9, 2007 - Eric smiling at Mommy...

February 4, 2007 - Nana and Pops came over to watch the Superbowl with us.  Earlier that morning Jen caught this picture of her four 'boys' all asleep on the bed.  Also some pictures of Eric enjoying bath time...


February , 2007 - Eric at play and looking at himself in the little mirror...

January 31, 2007 - Eric went to visit Pops at his office and Pops had a great time showing off Eric to the ladies at the office.

January 29, 2007 - Eric visited Nana's school today and Nana proudly took Eric around the school and showed him off to her coworkers.

January 23, 2007 - Today Eric is 2 months old!  He had his 2 month pediatrician's appointment and he now weighs 9.5lbs!!!  After his appointment, Eric went into Daddy's office to visit with all of Daddy's coworkers.

January 22, 2007 - Some cute pictures of Eric and Daddy playing...


January 20-21, 2007 - We were first surprised when Eric slept for 9 hours last night.  Later, we were surprised with a visit from Uncle Doug!


January 13-15, 2007 - Grandma Browning returned to celebrate her birthday, Jen's birthday, and to visit with Eric.  On the 14th Eric weighed 8lbs 10oz.  While Grandma was here, we took Eric out for his first dinner with family.  Grandma also took a family picture :)


January 8, 2007 - The nurse visited today and Eric weighed-in at 8lbs 5oz.

January 4, 2007 - Today was Eric's "due date"...Yeah he is now considered a 'term' baby!!!


This site was last updated 01/08/12